Uppsala: Senior MLOps Engineer

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Publicerad: 2024-09-04 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Would you like to use your data engineering expertise to enhance the safer use of medicines and vaccines? Do you excel in diverse, multicultural teams and find satisfaction in tackling problems that deliver tangible benefits? Are you eager to drive a dynamic development culture that transforms research discoveries into impactful products? Then this position is right for you!

Since 1978, Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) has been dedicated to developing, supporting, and expanding the field of pharmacovigilance science and practice. As a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, we support work around the world to examine the potential adverse effects of medicines and vaccines and contribute to safer, more informed care of patients. We are a diverse, international group of pharmacists, physicians, data scientists, system developers, communicators, and many other professionals motivated by a deep belief that the work we do matters.

We are seeking a skilled senior MLOps engineer to join our Research team. This role is crucial in helping our data scientists deploy models on Azure, manage CI/CD processes, ensure proper experiment tracking, and deploy API backends for both internal use and future external integration. The ideal candidate will also contribute to automating deployment pipelines and enhance team delivery and code quality by implementing best practices in software development.

You will report to the Head of Data Science within the Research department, working alongside a team of data scientists to transform proof-of-concept research into production. You will be in a unique position to leverage research outputs, adding value for both internal and external stakeholders within a fun and dynamic multidisciplinary department.

What you will do

- Model deployment and management- Collaborate with data scientists to deploy machine learning models on cloud platforms.- Ensure deployed models are continuously monitored and retrained as necessary.- Design scalable systems to handle increased load and data size.
- CI/CD and automation- Design and manage CI/CD pipelines for continuous deployment and integration of models.- Automate deployment pipelines to streamline model deployment processes.
- Experiment tracking and reproducibility- Implement proper experiment tracking during model development to ensure reproducibility.
- API development and management- Deploy API backends in the cloud, setting up API keys and access controls for internal and potentially external use.- Implement security best practices for model deployment and API management.
- Collaboration and training- Teach the team best practices in software development, including version control, code reviews, and testing.- Work with different teams to integrate deployed models with various applications.- Create comprehensive documentation for deployed systems and provide training to team members.- Work in close collaboration with our Azure infrastructure team to ensure harmonisation.
- Optimisation and cost management- Optimise cloud resources to manage and reduce costs effectively.
- Innovation and improvement:- Propose and implement initiatives for automation and harmonisation to improve team efficiency.- Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in machine-learning engineering and MLOps.
Who you are

- Bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, data science, or a related field.
- Proven experience with cloud platforms (preferably Azure).
- Strong knowledge of Python and machine learning frameworks, knowledge of R is a plus.
- At least 5 years of experience in MLOps and designing and managing CI/CD pipelines.
- Proficiency in Git.
- Knowledge of one IaC language is a plus.
- Understanding of API development and management, including security best practices.
- Experience with experiment tracking tools (such as MLflow, Weights & Biases).
- Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot complex issues.
- Good understanding of cloud security best practices and compliance standards.
- Rigour in documentation and testing.
- Strong interpersonal skills and comfortable working with multiple stakeholders from different backgrounds and nationalities.
- Innovative, independent, driven, and can quickly devise fit-for-purpose deployment solutions.
- Generous and enjoy helping others to solve problems.
- Certification in cloud platforms or machine learning is a plus.
- Experience of deploying open LLMs on VPCs is a big plus.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Andra jobb i Uppsala som IT-tekniker/Datatekniker

Nedan visas andra jobb i Uppsala som IT-tekniker/Datatekniker.

IT Tekniker

Läs mer Jan 27
IT Tekniker – Nyckelrollen i vår IT-support!
Har du en stark passion för IT och en naturlig talang för att lösa tekniska problem? Vill du arbeta i en varierad och dynamisk roll där du gör verklig skillnad för organisationen och dess medarbetare? Då är detta möjligheten för dig!
I rollen som IT Tekniker blir du en viktig del av vår organisation och ansvarar för att leverera högkvalitativt användarstöd. Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden inkluderar:
Handhavandesupport: Ge användare support i allt från enklare frågor till mer avancerade tekniska utmaningar.
Licens- och applikationshantering: Säkerställ att alla applikationer fungerar effektivt och är korrekt licensierade.
Applikationssupport: Felsöka och lösa problem som påverkar verksamheten.
Inköp och installation: Hantera inköp och installation av IT-utrustning för att upprätthålla en modern och fungerande IT-miljö.

Arbetet sker både via telefon, fjärrstyrning och på plats. Vi uppmuntrar dig att bidra med idéer och lösningar för att förbättra våra arbetssätt och processer.
KvalifikationerVi söker dig som har:
Gedigen erfarenhet motsvarande nivå 3 inom IT-området.
Utmärkta kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.
Förmåga att samarbeta effektivt, med flexibilitet och ett proaktivt tankesätt.
Meriterande erfarenheter
Vi ser gärna att du har erfarenhet inom följande områden:
IT-support i forsknings- och utbildningsmiljöer.
Ärendehantering och felsökning av IT-utrustning.
Rådgivning kring och beställning av IT-utrustning.
Support för Office-applikationer, e-post och klienthantering (Windows, macOS, Linux).
Hantering och felsökning av licenser och applikationer i komplexa IT-miljöer.
Kundservice och IT-servicedesk-arbete (minst ett år).
Framtagning av användarstöd och guider.
Erfarenhet av arbete enligt ITIL eller andra förvaltningsmodeller (t.ex. PM3).
Personliga egenskaper
Vi söker dig som är:
Kommunikativ: Du har en pedagogisk förmåga att förklara tekniska lösningar på ett enkelt sätt.
Strukturerad: Du arbetar organiserat och kan hantera flera arbetsuppgifter samtidigt.
Engagerad: Du drivs av att leverera hög service och hitta lösningar som gör skillnad.

Start: Omgående start med hänsyn till uppsägningstid. Uppdraget är på heltid och är tillsvidare
Placeringsort: Stockholm
Ansökan: Intervjuer sker löpande och tillsättning sker vid rätt match

Vad vi står för:Vi på Camai erbjuder ett av marknadens branschledande anställningsvillkor med stor frihet som ledord. Vi drivs av att hitta det bästa uppdraget för våra medarbetare. Det roligaste som finns är att hitta en perfekt matchning mellan konsult och kund. Vi vet att alla har ett drömarbete, och vi är ett tight entreprenörsdrivet team som arbetar för att se till att du tycker att det är roligt att gå till jobbet, varje dag. Vi tror att kompetenta människor dras till varandra och vill jobba med likasinnade i spännande kunduppdrag.
Vi har en av marknadens mest förmånliga ersättningsmodell anpassad för en modern konsultorganisation med mycket frihet. Vi har helt enkelt kul tillsammans!
Varför ska du välja oss?Med många års erfarenhet i konsultbranschen har vi valt våra tre värdeord med omsorg; kommunikation, ambition och balans. För att lyckas tror vi att våra medarbetare får vara med och forma sitt arbete efter prioriteringar och intresse i livet. Med din ambition och rätt verktyg från oss ser vi till att du utvecklas och samtidigt belönas på vägen.
Vill du vara en del av vår fortsatta tillväxt?

Ansök nu

IT Tekniker till Uppsala

Läs mer Jan 26
IT Tekniker – Bli nyckelpersonen i vårt IT-stöd!
Är du en problemlösare med passion för IT och användarstöd? Vill du arbeta i en varierande roll där du gör verklig skillnad för både kollegor och verksamheten? Då är det här jobbet för dig!
Som IT-tekniker blir du en central del av användarstödet för IT-arbetsplatser. Du kommer att axla rollen som både handläggare och problemlösare, med arbetsuppgifter som inkluderar:
Handhavandesupport – Hjälp våra användare med allt från enkla frågor till komplexa problem. Licens- och applikationshantering – Säkerställ att våra applikationer alltid fungerar smidigt. Applikationssupport – Lös tekniska utmaningar som gör vardagen enklare för våra användare. Inköp och installationshantering – Håll vår IT-miljö i toppskick med rätt utrustning och konfigurationer.
Vi arbetar både via telefon, fjärrstyrning och på plats. Dessutom uppmuntras du att bidra med idéer och lösningar för att ständigt förbättra våra arbetssätt och processer. Din input är ovärderlig!
Vad vi söker hos digFör att lyckas i rollen tror vi att du har:
Kompetens motsvarande minst nivå 3 inom IT-området.
Flytande svenska i tal och skrift samt goda kunskaper i att kommunicera med användare på engelska.
En stark samarbetsförmåga, kombinerad med flexibilitet och en vilja att förbättra och utveckla.
Meriter som gör dig till vår drömkandidat:
Om du dessutom har erfarenhet inom något av dessa områden är det ett stort plus:
IT-stöd i akademiska forsknings- och utbildningsmiljöer.
Ärendehantering och felsökning av IT-utrustning.
Rådgivning och beställning av IT-utrustning.
Support på Office-applikationer, e-post och klienthantering (Windows, MacOS, Linux).
Licens- och applikationshantering samt felsökning i komplexa IT-miljöer.
Kundservice och IT-servicedesk-arbete (minst ett år).
Framtagning av användarstöd och guider.
Arbete enligt ITIL eller andra förvaltningsmodeller (t.ex. PM3).
Personliga egenskaper
Vi letar efter dig som är:
Kommunikativ – Du kan förklara IT-lösningar på ett enkelt och pedagogiskt sätt. Strukturerad – Du har koll på detaljer och gillar att hålla ordning i en dynamisk vardag. Engagerad – Du brinner för att leverera högkvalitativ service och gör alltid det lilla extra.
Start: Omgående start med hänsyn till uppsägningstid. Uppdraget är på heltid och är tillsvidare
Ansökan: Intervjuer sker löpande och tillsättning sker vid rätt match

Vad vi står för:Vi på Camai erbjuder ett av marknadens branschledande anställningsvillkor med stor frihet som ledord. Vi drivs av att hitta det bästa uppdraget för våra medarbetare. Det roligaste som finns är att hitta en perfekt matchning mellan konsult och kund. Vi vet att alla har ett drömarbete, och vi är ett tight entreprenörsdrivet team som arbetar för att se till att du tycker att det är roligt att gå till jobbet, varje dag. Vi tror att kompetenta människor dras till varandra och vill jobba med likasinnade i spännande kunduppdrag.
Vi har en av marknadens mest förmånliga ersättningsmodell anpassad för en modern konsultorganisation med mycket frihet. Vi har helt enkelt kul tillsammans!
Varför ska du välja oss?Med många års erfarenhet i konsultbranschen har vi valt våra tre värdeord med omsorg; kommunikation, ambition och balans. För att lyckas tror vi att våra medarbetare får vara med och forma sitt arbete efter prioriteringar och intresse i livet. Med din ambition och rätt verktyg från oss ser vi till att du utvecklas och samtidigt belönas på vägen.
Vill du vara en del av vår fortsatta tillväxt?

Ansök nu

Vi söker passionerade IT-konsulter till vårt team i Uppsala!

Läs mer Jan 30
Är du en driven och engagerad IT-konsult som vill vara med och forma framtiden inom IT och digitalisering? Då är Nordlo rätt plats för dig! Vi söker nu erfarna medarbetare som vill vara en del av vårt dynamiska och innovativa team.

Om Nordlo
Nordlo är en ledande leverantör av IT- och digitaliseringstjänster i Norden. Vi erbjuder strategisk rådgivning och innovativa tekniska lösningar som hjälper våra kunder att driva digitaliseringen framåt. Med över 1000 medarbetare på mer än 40 orter i Sverige och Norge, och en omsättning på 2,1 miljarder SEK år 2024, är vi en stark aktör på marknaden.

Varför Nordlo?

- Spännande arbetsplats: Hos oss får du möjlighet att arbeta i en stimulerande miljö där professionell och personlig utveckling står i fokus.
- Stark gemenskap: Vi har en kultur där alla hjälps åt och stöttar varandra. Du kommer alltid att ha kollegor som finns där för dig.
- Påverka framtiden: Vi tror på att tillsammans forma hållbara och lönsamma företag som bidrar till ett bättre samhälle och framtid.

Om tjänsten
Som IT-konsult hos Nordlo kommer du att vara en nyckelspelare i våra kunders tekniska utveckling. Du kommer att arbeta med projekteringar, implementeringar, förändringsarbeten och uppbyggnad av nya lösningar. Dina huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter inkluderar:

Leverera kundnöjdhet genom att vara adaptiv, lyhörd och tekniskt kompetent.Skapa värde åt våra kunder både tekniskt och i en rådgivande roll.Arbeta mot uppsatta ekonomiska mål och ta ansvar för givna kunder.

Din profil
Vi söker dig som är redo att ta nästa steg i karriären och vill bidra med din breda kompetens för att underlätta för våra kunder. Du är kundfokuserad, lösningsorienterad och brinner för att ge service i toppklass. För att passa i rollen bör du ha:

- Erfarenhet som IT-konsult och goda kunskaper i Microsoft 365, Azure, operativsystem, klientsupport, nätverk och kommunikation och IT-säkerhet.
- Hög social kompetens och förmåga att arbeta självständigt och i team.
- Lätt för att bygga kundrelationer och vara lösningsfokuserad.
- Flytande kunskaper i svenska och engelska, både i tal och skrift.

Känner du dig träffad? Skicka in ditt CV, för vi vill veta mer om dig. Rekrytering sker löpande.

Ansök nu

IT-tekniker till Service Desk Nuclear -Uppsala

Läs mer Jan 18
IT-tekniker till Service Desk Nuclear - BackOffice
Vattenfall IT är en intern leverantör av IT-tjänster och support för hela Vattenfallkoncernen, med idag omkring 900 anställda placerade i Sverige, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Polen, Storbritannien, Danmark och Finland.
Vattenfall IT:s målsättning är att ha en effektiv IT-organisation med fokus på flexibilitet och digitalisering, samtidigt som man levererar säkra och stabila tjänster. Den del av Vattenfall som jobbar med kärnteknisk verksamhet, ställer högre säkerhetskrav på sina IT-leverantörer och därför finns det en separat del av Vattenfall IT som benämns ”Nuclear Solutions”.
Vattenfall söker nu IT-tekniker till Service Desk Nuclear - BackOffice
Under 2020 slogs de lokala Service Desk-teamen för Ringhals, Forsmark och SKB samman till en Service Desk som stödjer alla tre licenshavarna. I tjänsten som IT-tekniker i detta nya team så erbjuder vi dig ett nära samarbete med kärnkraften på Vattenfall, kontinuerlig kompetensutveckling, kunniga IT kollegor, samt möjligheten att forma den kommande nukleära Service Desken på Vattenfall.
Dina huvudsakliga ansvarsområden:
Som IT-tekniker kommer du i huvudsak hantera olika typer av standardiserade- och icke-standardiserade IT-ärenden. Du kommer att analysera och lösa såväl enkla som mer komplexa fel genom att följa de implementerade processerna (ITIL). Du kommer att bidra till kontinuerlig förbättring av vårt dagliga arbete och samtidigt utveckla dig själv genom att delta i olika projekt och uppdrag. En stor del av din roll är att identifiera, diagnostisera och lösa problem tillsammans med övriga supportteam.
Vattenfall är på jakt efter IT-tekniker som har ett genuint intresse för IT och ny teknik, och känner stolthet i att hjälpa andra. Du ser värdet av att dela med dig av kunskap och vill ständigt utveckla dig själv som person. Vi tror att du är en lagspelare som fungerar bra i olika gruppkonstellationer samtidigt som du trivs med att arbeta individuellt och kan ta egna initiativ.
Vidare ser vi att du:
Är lojal och tycker att det är viktigt att agera med integritet
Har ett öppet sinne för förändringar
Ser mångfald som en framgångsfaktor
Tar ansvar för ditt lärande och din yrkesmässiga utveckling
Har gymnasieexamen, helst inom IT/teknik
Vill bidra till Vattenfalls vision – ”Fossilfritt inom en generation
Efterfrågad Utbildning:
Universitets/Högskoleexamen i IT
Efterfrågad erfarenhet:
Grundläggande kunskap om IT och dess komponenter (PC, skrivare, mobiltelefoner, programvaror, nätverk, servrar, databaser etc.)
Erfarenhet av Microsoft Active Directory, SCCM och Exchange.
Erfarenhet av Windowsbaserade produkter.
Erfarenhet av affärssystemet SAP.
Erfarenhet av dataadministration; (Tickets, Assets, Licenser)
Erfarenhet av BMC Remedy som ärendehanteringssystem.
Du talar flytande svenska och engelska (både skriftligt och muntligt)

Ansök nu

Av-tekniker till uppdrag i Uppsala

Läs mer Jan 22
Om tjänsten
SJR söker nu en engagerad och lösningsorienterad AV-tekniker för ett spännande uppdrag i Uppsala!

Uppdraget löper på om ca tre månader med möjlighet till förlängning. Det här ett konsultuppdrag vilket innebär att du erbjuds en anställning hos oss på SJR som konsult med uppdrag på plats hos vår kund.

Huvudsakliga arbetsuppgifter
Som AV-tekniker hos vår kund kommer du att:

• Ansvara för AV-tänk och säkerställa att lösningar möter verksamhetens behov.
• Ta emot beställningar från verksamheten och samarbeta med externa företag som utför det praktiska arbetet.
• Felsöka tekniska problem och ge proaktivt tekniskt stöd.
• Arbeta med bokningspaneler, Teams-rum och andra tekniska system.
• Ha löpande dialoger internt med infrastrukturteamet såväl som med externa med leverantörer.

Du behöver vara självgående och trivas i en roll där du tar initiativ och håller ihop tekniska lösningar.

Lämplig bakgrund
Vi söker dig som:

• Har erfarenhet av AV-teknik och är van att arbeta i en stöttande teknisk roll.
• Har goda kommunikationsfärdigheter och är trygg i att hantera många kontaktytor.
• Är lösningsorienterad och bekväm med att hantera både felsökning och teknisk planering.
• Har erfarenhet av att arbeta med Teams-rum och bokningspaneler är meriterande.
• Talar och skriver obehindrat både på svenska och engelska.

För mer information om tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta Isabell Bengtsson på 070 899 95 63 alternativt Christine Stamfeldt på 070 471 59 16. Vi intervjuar löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan ansökningstiden har gått ut. Sista ansökningsdag är 2025-02-04.

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Konsult hos SJR
Att arbeta som konsult hos SJR innebär att du blir en del av en dedikerad organisation med kompetens att ge dig perfekta förutsättningar att utvecklas både inom din yrkesroll och på ett personligt plan. Du får tillgång till vårt stora nätverk av intressanta företag och uppdragsgivare och därmed en unik möjlighet att ta din karriär till nästa steg.

Vi på SJR bryr oss om vår personal och tillsammans med oss får du en långsiktig partner som ger dig trygghet och stöd. Vi är lyhörda för dina behov och du kommer att ha en nära relation med din konsultchef som stöttar dig i din utveckling.

Ansök nu

Andra jobb i Uppsala från Who Collaborating Centre For Int Drug Monitoring

Nedan visas andra jobb i Uppsala från Who Collaborating Centre For Int Drug Monitoring .

Data Scientist

Civilingenjör, systemutveckling
Läs mer Jan 27
Do you want to use your data science expertise to help make medicines safer? Do you thrive in multidisciplinary teams and enjoy solving concrete problems? Would you like to contribute to an efficient development culture for transforming research discovery into valuable products? Then this position could be the right fit for you!

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a dynamic non-profit foundation with an internationally recognised role within the field of pharmacovigilance, whose ambition is to improve the safety of medicinal products throughout the world. We manage and analyse VigiBase, the WHO global database with more than 35 million reports of suspected side effects reported by patients and healthcare professionals in more than 150 countries. This puts UMC in a unique position to detect safety concerns associated with medicines.

Within the Research department, our passionate and savvy data scientists are committed to creating and advancing methods for data-driven discovery of previously unknown safety issues with medicines. They are also focused on developing computational methods to support and enhance human decision-making in pharmacovigilance.

We are looking for a skilled and creative data scientist to support our work and contribute to the team’s development. The data scientist will have a unique opportunity to help research outputs bring value to internal and external stakeholders, reflecting UMC’s core values of excellence, equity, benevolence, and solidarity in a fun and dynamic multidisciplinary department.

What you will do

- Work in agile multidisciplinary teams composed of data scientists, research pharmacists, and medical doctors.

- Create, implement, and evaluate novel methods to advance the science of pharmacovigilance with statistical modelling and machine learning.

- Communicate results with internal and external stakeholders, adapting to the diversity of their backgrounds, as well as disseminate research via scientific publications and participation in research conferences.

- Participate in competence development by staying up to date with advances in machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) research and apply it to our settings.
- Acquire a deep understanding of our unique database of side effects to support research pharmacists and medical doctors in their decision-making or research questions.

About you

- You have an MSc or PhD degree in computer science, engineering, or other quantitative discipline.

- At least three years of professional data science experience.

- Advanced coursework in machine learning and programming, and experience in cloud computing are a plus.

- Interest in Neural Networks and Large Language Models is a plus.

- Experience with data querying languages and working with databases.

- Proficient in programming with Python; knowledge of R is a plus.

- Experience in mentoring junior data scientists and overseeing data-centred projects.

- Strong interpersonal skills and are comfortable working with multiple stakeholders with diverse backgrounds and nationalities.

- Innovative, independent, driven, and can quickly devise fit-for-purpose deployment solutions.

Located in the heart of Uppsala, three minutes away from the central station, we are currently around 180 employees and consultants and have generous employee-benefit policies. In addition, UMC allows hybrid working, with the opportunity to work remotely up to 2 days a week. For more information about our activities and products, visit www.who-umc.org.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

If you have any questions regarding this position please contact the responsible manager. You will find the contact details at the end of this page.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

Ansök nu

Senior MLOps engineer

Läs mer Jan 27
Would you like to use your data engineering expertise to enhance the safer use of medicines and vaccines? Do you excel in diverse, multicultural teams and find satisfaction in tackling problems that deliver tangible benefits? Are you eager to drive a dynamic development culture that transforms research discoveries into impactful products? Then this position is right for you!

Since 1978, Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) has been dedicated to developing, supporting, and expanding the field of pharmacovigilance science and practice.

As a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, we support work around the world to examine the potential adverse effects of medicines and vaccines and contribute to safer, more informed care of patients.

We are a diverse, international group of pharmacists, physicians, data scientists, system developers, communicators, and many other professionals motivated by a deep belief that the work we do matters.

We are seeking a skilled senior MLOps engineer to join our Research team. This role is crucial in helping our data scientists deploy models on Azure, manage CI/CD processes, ensure proper experiment tracking, and deploy API backends for both internal use and future external integration. The ideal candidate will also contribute to automating deployment pipelines and enhance team delivery and code quality by implementing best practices in software development.

You will report to the Head of Data Science within the Research department, working alongside a team of data scientists to transform proof-of-concept research into production. You will be in a unique position to leverage research outputs, adding value for both internal and external stakeholders within a fun and dynamic multidisciplinary department.

What you will do

- Model deployment and management- Collaborate with data scientists to deploy machine learning models on cloud platforms.- Ensure deployed models are continuously monitored and retrained as necessary.- Design scalable systems to handle increased load and data size.
- CI/CD and automation- Design and manage CI/CD pipelines for continuous deployment and integration of models.- Automate deployment pipelines to streamline model deployment processes.
- Experiment tracking and reproducibility- Implement proper experiment tracking during model development to ensure reproducibility.
- API development and management- Deploy API backends in the cloud, setting up API keys and access controls for internal and potentially external use.- Implement security best practices for model deployment and API management.
- Collaboration and training- Teach the team best practices in software development, including version control, code reviews, and testing.- Work with different teams to integrate deployed models with various applications.- Create comprehensive documentation for deployed systems and provide training to team members.- Work in close collaboration with our Azure infrastructure team to ensure harmonisation.
- Optimisation and cost management- Optimise cloud resources to manage and reduce costs effectively.
- Innovation and improvement:- Propose and implement initiatives for automation and harmonisation to improve team efficiency.- Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in machine-learning engineering and MLOps.
Who you are

- Bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, data science, or a related field.
- Proven experience with cloud platforms (preferably Azure).
- Strong knowledge of Python and machine learning frameworks, knowledge of R is a plus.
- At least 5 years of experience in MLOps and designing and managing CI/CD pipelines.
- Proficiency in Git.
- Knowledge of one IaC language is a plus.
- Understanding of API development and management, including security best practices.
- Experience with experiment tracking tools (such as MLflow, Weights & Biases).
- Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot complex issues.
- Good understanding of cloud security best practices and compliance standards.
- Rigour in documentation and testing.
- Strong interpersonal skills and comfortable working with multiple stakeholders from different backgrounds and nationalities.
- Innovative, independent, driven, and can quickly devise fit-for-purpose deployment solutions.
- Generous and enjoy helping others to solve problems.
- Certification in cloud platforms or machine learning is a plus.
- Experience of deploying open LLMs on VPCs is a big plus.
Located in the heart of Uppsala, three minutes away from the central station, we are currently around 180 employees and consultants and have generous employee-benefit policies. In addition, UMC allows hybrid working, with the opportunity to work remotely up to 2 days a week. For more information about our activities and products, visit www.who-umc.org.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

If you have any questions regarding this position please contact the responsible manager. You will find the contact details at the end of this page.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Läs mer Jan 27
Would you like to use your statistical expertise to enhance the safer use of medicines and vaccines? Do you excel in diverse, multicultural teams and find satisfaction in tackling problems that deliver tangible benefits? Are you interested in leveraging your analytical skills to aid in decision-making and tackle significant research questions? Then this position is the right fit for you!

Since 1978, Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) has been dedicated to developing, supporting, and expanding the field of pharmacovigilance science and practice.

As a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, we support work around the world to examine the potential adverse effects of medicines and vaccines and contribute to safer, more informed care of patients.

We are a diverse, international group of pharmacists, physicians, data scientists, system developers, communicators, and many other professionals motivated by a deep belief that the work we do matters.

We are seeking a skilled statistician to join our Research team, reporting to our Head of Data Science. The position will include participation in and support of research projects, as well as a support role to our safety signal management team, which conducts in-depth investigations of potential causal associations between specific medicines and side effects. The ideal candidate will also develop code libraries to share externally with the global pharmacovigilance community.

What you will do

- Work with a passionate team of data scientists, research pharmacists and clinicians, as well pharmacovigilance scientists.
- Acquire a deep understanding of our unique database of side effects to support others in their decision-making or research questions (e.g., how to appropriately account for biases and confounding factors, how to choose appropriate study backgrounds and study designs).
- Support the activities of our signal management team, helping them navigate potential analytical pitfalls, extracting and analysing data for deeper investigations of potential medicines safety issues, advising on appropriate study designs.
- Conduct data cleaning, reproducible data analysis and reporting
- Participate in diverse research projects involving in-house data as well as external data, such as electronic health records or social media.
- Develop code libraries (R or Python) to support analytical capabilities of the pharmacovigilance global community.
- Build capacity for statistical thinking.
- Design and evaluate novel methods to advance the science of pharmacovigilance with statistical modeling or machine learning.
- Communicate results to internal and external stakeholders, adapting to the diversity of their backgrounds, as well as disseminate research via scientific publications and participation in research conferences.
- Engage in international collaborations.
Who you are

- You have a MSc degree in statistics, mathematics, epidemiology, engineering, or another related quantitative discipline, with at least two years working experience. A PhD is desired but not required.
- You have hands-on experience in biostatistics, causal inference, epidemiology or statistics.
- You are proficient in Python and/or R.
- You have prior experience working with medical data.
- You have at least two years of relevant experience.
- It’s an advantage if you have experience of working with databases and , GitHub repositories and Azure pipelines.
- It’s an advantage if you have good data visualisation skills.
- You have strong interpersonal skills and are comfortable working with multiple stakeholders with diverse backgrounds and nationalities.
- You are innovative, independent, driven, and can quickly devise relevant research questions as well as come up with data-driven ways to address those questions.
- You are generous and enjoy helping others to solve problems.
Located in the heart of Uppsala, three minutes away from the central station, we are currently around 180 employees and consultants and have generous employee-benefit policies. In addition, UMC allows hybrid working, with the opportunity to work remotely up to 2 days a week. For more information about our activities and products, visit www.who-umc.org.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

If you have any questions regarding this position please contact the responsible manager. You will find the contact details at the end of this page.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Senior System Developer

Läs mer Dec 20
Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is recruiting a Senior full stack System developer to join one of our agile DevOps teams.

Do you want to turn world-improving inventions into successful applications that benefit public health globally? UMC’s technology is instrumental in monitoring the safety of medicines and vaccines, one recent example being the rollout of vaccines during the COVID pandemic. It all began in the 1960s with the thalidomide disaster (known as Neurosedyn in Sweden), which led to birth defects in thousands of babies, triggering a major reform of pharmaceutical regulation. The World Health Organization initiated a programme to monitor the safety of medicines and prevent future harm, and a decade later, UMC was founded in 1978 to support its work.

Join us in carrying on this legacy into the future – as part of one of UMC’s DevOps teams, you will use your advanced problem-solving, learning, and innovation skills to perfect code and constantly develop and improve our applications. We will also rely on your leadership abilities and your capacity to mentor and guide fellow developers. This is a kind, inclusive, and diverse organisation where we help each other to succeed together. If this sounds like you, then you should apply.

Ideally, you are:

- Interested in team dynamics, striving to be part of a high performing team. Good at communicating with stakeholders, both technical and non-technical audience.

- Knowledgeable in the entire tech stack and application management/operations. Focused on quality and finding solutions to problems.

- Knowledge in cloud technologies and cloud native solutions

- Experienced in system development and DevOps

- Open to exploring new ways of working (right now AI assistants, tomorrow - who knows?) and seeing how this can be applied in your own work.

- Holding a BSc degree in a relevant field. While we don’t expect you to be familiar with our domain from the start and are happy to teach you, any experience within healthcare or pharma would be a plus.

What’s in it for you? UMC offers a creative, inspiring, fun, and collaborative work environment where your ideas will be every bit as valued as your programming expertise. We take great pride in our work and our processes and make time to learn and improve. At UMC, you have a 37-hour work week and a generous vacation depending on your age with a minimum of 28 days per year for all and up to 35 days per year if you are over 40 years of age.

This is a full-time role at our office in the heart of Uppsala, Sweden, with flexible hours and hybrid possibilities. This position may be filled before the application deadline, so please apply as soon as possible.

What you will be doing:

- Collaborate closely with Product management and have impact on product roadmap.

- Coach and mentor other developers, and be part of creating an amazing DevOps team.

- Design, implement, and test solutions.

- Release, deploy, and run operations.

- Maintain and optimise new and existing solutions.

- Share knowledge and help colleagues.

- Continuously grow and learn through exciting challenges and innovative projects.

We know, we are asking a lot – UMC will in return offer you a fun and challenging place to work, where you get to build impactful applications with high quality.

Primary technologies and methods: .NET, C#, Azure, Agile/Scrum.

Nice to have: Experience in different roles within product development, Angular, React and F#.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As an independent, non-profit foundation, we support the World Health Organization, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.

UMC’s official language is English.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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System Developer

Läs mer Dec 20
Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is recruiting full stack System developers to join our agile DevOps teams.

Do you want to turn world-improving inventions into successful applications that benefit public health globally? UMC’s technology is instrumental in monitoring the safety of medicines and vaccines, one recent example being the rollout of vaccines during the COVID pandemic. It all began in the 1960s with the thalidomide disaster (known as Neurosedyn in Sweden), which led to birth defects in thousands of babies, triggering a major reform of pharmaceutical regulation. The World Health Organization initiated a programme to monitor the safety of medicines and prevent future harm, and a decade later, UMC was founded in 1978 to support its work.

Join us in carrying on this legacy into the future– as part of one of UMC’s DevOps teams, you will use your advanced problem-solving, learning, and innovation skills to perfect code and constantly develop and improve our applications. We will also rely on your leadership abilities and your capacity to mentor and guide fellow developers. This is a kind, inclusive, and diverse organisation where we help each other to succeed together. If this sounds like you, then you should apply.

Ideally, you are – as focused on quality and finding solutions to problems as we are and enjoy working as a team. You are open to exploring new ways of working (right now AI assistants, tomorrow - who knows?) and seeing how this can be applied in your own work. You are interested in understanding the entire tech stack and application management/operations. We believe you have previous experience in system development and preferably DevOps. You also have a BSc degree in a relevant field. While we don’t expect you to be familiar with our domain from the start, and are happy to teach you, any experience within healthcare or pharma would be a plus.

What’s in it for you? UMC offers a creative, inspiring, fun, and collaborative work environment where your ideas will be every bit as valued as your programming expertise. We take great pride in our work and our processes, and make time to learn and improve. At UMC you have a 37 hour work week and a generous vacation depending on your age with a minimum of 28 days per year for all and up to 35 days per year if you are over 40 years of age.

This is a full-time role at our office in the heart of Uppsala, Sweden, with flexible hours and hybrid possibilities. This position may be filled before the application deadline, so please apply as soon as possible.

What you will be doing – you will design, implement, and test solutions. Release, deploy and run operations. Maintain and optimise new and existing solutions. Share knowledge and help colleagues.

We know, we are asking a lot and we understand that you might not possess all of the skills listed above or below, and that’s fine. We put a lot of emphasis on what you are like as a person and your ability and willingness to learn.

Primary technologies and methods: .NET, C#, Angular, Agile/Scrum.

Nice to have: Azure, , experience with all layers of an application.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

If you have any questions regarding this position please contact the responsible manager. You will find the contact details at the end of this page.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Pharmacovigilance Scientist

Läs mer Dec 18
Would you like to contribute to the safe use of medicines and vaccines globally? We are looking for a pharmacist with database experience and skills in data management and data retrieval.

Since 1978, UMC has been dedicated to developing, supporting, and expanding the field of pharmacovigilance science and practice.

As a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, we support work around the world to examine the potential adverse effects of medicines and vaccines and contribute to safer, more informed care of patients.

We are a diverse, international group of pharmacists, physicians, data scientists, system developers, communicators, and many other professionals motivated by a deep belief that the work we do matters.

About the role

As a pharmacovigilance scientist in the VigiBase and Regulatory Services section, you will become familiar with the inner workings of VigiBase, the world’s largest database of reports on adverse events for medicines and vaccines. You will apply your expertise and skills to retrieve data and provide guidance to various stakeholders who wish to access this data for research or signal detection purposes.

As a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, we develop, maintain, and analyse VigiBase, the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines. Since 1968, over 40 million reports have been collected by more than 155 national pharmacovigilance centres worldwide as members of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring. The global diversity of VigiBase makes it a crucial source of data for identifying early safety signals and conducting pharmacovigilance research.

The VigiBase and Regulatory Services section offers custom search services to provide eligible stakeholders with access to VigiBase data not covered by other UMC products. We also ensure that VigiBase can receive data from WHO PIDM members who face technical challenges in sharing their data, allowing them to fulfil their membership requirements. The team’s expertise encompasses VigiBase content and processing, as well as knowledge of international regulatory policies and guidelines related to pharmacovigilance.

What you will do

- Support customers in defining search criteria based on their use cases.
- Adapt existing scripts to meet customer needs.
- Deliver results according to current data access conditions.
- Contribute to the development of the service.
- Apply UMC’s research methods for defined use cases.
- Provide support on VigiBase data and processing principles, both externally and internally.

Who you are

- MSc Pharm, MSc in biosciences, or equivalent.
- Analytical mindset with keen attention to detail and a strong commitment to quality.
- Experienced in databases and data retrieval using .
- Knowledgeable in file and data formats.
- Skilled in MS Excel.
- Helpful by nature.
- A problem solver.
- Previous work experience in pharmacovigilance is a plus.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

If you have any questions regarding this position please contact the responsible manager. You will find the contact details at the end of this page.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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