Uppsala: Senior MLOps Engineer

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Publicerad: 2024-09-04 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Would you like to use your data engineering expertise to enhance the safer use of medicines and vaccines? Do you excel in diverse, multicultural teams and find satisfaction in tackling problems that deliver tangible benefits? Are you eager to drive a dynamic development culture that transforms research discoveries into impactful products? Then this position is right for you!

Since 1978, Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) has been dedicated to developing, supporting, and expanding the field of pharmacovigilance science and practice. As a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, we support work around the world to examine the potential adverse effects of medicines and vaccines and contribute to safer, more informed care of patients. We are a diverse, international group of pharmacists, physicians, data scientists, system developers, communicators, and many other professionals motivated by a deep belief that the work we do matters.

We are seeking a skilled senior MLOps engineer to join our Research team. This role is crucial in helping our data scientists deploy models on Azure, manage CI/CD processes, ensure proper experiment tracking, and deploy API backends for both internal use and future external integration. The ideal candidate will also contribute to automating deployment pipelines and enhance team delivery and code quality by implementing best practices in software development.

You will report to the Head of Data Science within the Research department, working alongside a team of data scientists to transform proof-of-concept research into production. You will be in a unique position to leverage research outputs, adding value for both internal and external stakeholders within a fun and dynamic multidisciplinary department.

What you will do

- Model deployment and management- Collaborate with data scientists to deploy machine learning models on cloud platforms.- Ensure deployed models are continuously monitored and retrained as necessary.- Design scalable systems to handle increased load and data size.
- CI/CD and automation- Design and manage CI/CD pipelines for continuous deployment and integration of models.- Automate deployment pipelines to streamline model deployment processes.
- Experiment tracking and reproducibility- Implement proper experiment tracking during model development to ensure reproducibility.
- API development and management- Deploy API backends in the cloud, setting up API keys and access controls for internal and potentially external use.- Implement security best practices for model deployment and API management.
- Collaboration and training- Teach the team best practices in software development, including version control, code reviews, and testing.- Work with different teams to integrate deployed models with various applications.- Create comprehensive documentation for deployed systems and provide training to team members.- Work in close collaboration with our Azure infrastructure team to ensure harmonisation.
- Optimisation and cost management- Optimise cloud resources to manage and reduce costs effectively.
- Innovation and improvement:- Propose and implement initiatives for automation and harmonisation to improve team efficiency.- Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in machine-learning engineering and MLOps.
Who you are

- Bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, data science, or a related field.
- Proven experience with cloud platforms (preferably Azure).
- Strong knowledge of Python and machine learning frameworks, knowledge of R is a plus.
- At least 5 years of experience in MLOps and designing and managing CI/CD pipelines.
- Proficiency in Git.
- Knowledge of one IaC language is a plus.
- Understanding of API development and management, including security best practices.
- Experience with experiment tracking tools (such as MLflow, Weights & Biases).
- Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot complex issues.
- Good understanding of cloud security best practices and compliance standards.
- Rigour in documentation and testing.
- Strong interpersonal skills and comfortable working with multiple stakeholders from different backgrounds and nationalities.
- Innovative, independent, driven, and can quickly devise fit-for-purpose deployment solutions.
- Generous and enjoy helping others to solve problems.
- Certification in cloud platforms or machine learning is a plus.
- Experience of deploying open LLMs on VPCs is a big plus.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Andra jobb i Uppsala som IT-tekniker/Datatekniker

Nedan visas andra jobb i Uppsala som IT-tekniker/Datatekniker.

Information Security Specialist

Läs mer Aug 23
Job description
At Pharmetheus, our mission is to empower scientific innovation securely. We are seeking an experienced Information Security Specialist to safeguard our daily operations, ensuring that our security protocols are both effective and aligned with industry standards. In this role, you will be responsible for maintaining robust information classification systems and implementing security strategies and policies set by our Leadership Team and IT-Security Manager. You will monitor and ensure that our security measures meet the expectations of our clients and our operational needs.
Additionally, you will keep a close eye on market trends, threat landscapes, and contractual obligations to adapt our security practices accordingly. Collaborating closely with our IT team, you will help maximize operational efficiency while also guiding the development of standard operating procedures, manuals, and instructions from inception to completion. This is a vital role where your expertise will directly contribute to the security and success of Pharmetheus. We offer the opportunity to work within the field of information security, within an international environment, and in a highly regulated sector with strict security requirements.
We think you have a natural inclination towards problem-solving and have an unwavering focus on maintaining security forms as part of your mindset. And that you see people, culture and technology as fundamental tools to achieve good IT security. You have capacity to work autonomously and drive tasks to completion as well as excellent teamwork skills. We think that your will and drive to build, improve and support is equally important for this role as it is for you.
This is a full-time job, based in Uppsala with hybrid-office setup. It is a direct recruitment to Pharmetheus, with an initial six-month probationary period. The corporate language is English, and the preferred start date is as soon as possible. We hope you will be our next team member!

Assisting in writing and maintaining Standard Operating Procedures, Process documentation and Manuals.
Perform and maintain information classifications.
Design access rights models, maintain information flow processes and information storage models.
Be a part of our due-diligence team, reviewing contractual clauses, their impact and our compliance. This is an important part of the position. 
Assess, improve and suggest the actions necessary for ensuring long-term cost-effective information security.
Develop threat models process and assist in applying it in design and development of new systems.

Deep knowledge and understanding of information security.
Good understanding of operation level IT.
Good understanding of risk management.
Relevant University Degree or equal on the job experience.

About the company

Pharmetheus AB
Pharmetheus is a diversified Life Sciences consultancy partner at the forefront of the application of quantitative approaches to drug research, development, and usage. We operate in the area of biosimulation and biotech, using software to describe biological processes. We offer consulting services focused on the application of quantitative approaches to support drug research, development, and life-cycle decisions. With our expertise in model-informed drug development, pharmacometrics, and PBPK-QSP, we support clients from strategy to design and analyses. At Pharmetheus, we are promoting a culture of innovation and collaboration where diversity and inclusivity are highly valued, and where everyone feels supported and empowered. Pharmetheus’ main premises is in Uppsala, Sweden. However, our physical footprint stretches beyond Uppsala through our office network in Basel, Paris and Utrecht and home office networks in Europe and North America.

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Nordlo söker IT-konsult i Uppsala

Läs mer Aug 26
Kontoret i Uppsala

Är du en driven, engagerad konsult som vill vara med och forma framtiden i våra kunders IT-miljöer?
Då tror vi det här jobbet är något för dig.

Vi söker just nu en IT-konsult till vårt kontor i Uppsala.

Om Nordlo
Vi är IT-partnern som sätter medarbetare och kunder först. Vår framgång bygger på våra fantastiska medarbetares insatser, som med en passion för hållbara lösningar har kraft att förändra. Vi vet att goda idéer kan komma från organisationens alla hörn, och vi vill att våra medarbetare ska komma närmare känslan av att ingenting är omöjligt. Vi har valt en decentraliserad organisationsmodell med delegerat beslutsmandat, så att du kan driva din egen och kundens utveckling, och nå din fulla potential. Vår strävan och vilja är att ständigt förbättra, utmana och förändra. För att nå till toppen gör vi jobbet tillsammans, vi agerar med hjärtat och skapar affärsvärde för våra kunder.

Dina kollegor
Dina närmsta kollegor är IT-konsulter som har ett stort intresse för IT och teknik där personalen gärna delar med sig av sina erfarenheter och kompetenser samt stöttar varandra i vardagen. Kollegorna på Nordlo är engagerade och gör sitt bästa för att våra kunder ska ha en fungerande IT-miljö.

Samarbete är en grundläggande förutsättning för oss på Nordlo – oberoende vart du befinner dig i organisationen är vi ett Nordlo och vi strävar alltid gemensamt mot våra mål.

Din roll
Vi söker dig som med din kompetens och intresse för IT vill bidra till att utveckla våra kunders IT-miljöer. Du trivs med kombinationen att arbeta på plats hos olika kunder men även från vårt kontor i Uppsala.

För den här rollen är det viktigt att du har erfarenhet och kunskaper inom:

- Microsoft 365
- Azure
- Operativsystem
- Klientsupport
- Nätverk och kommunikation
- IT-säkerhet
- Lösningshantering
- Kundrelationer

För tjänsten krävs att du har B-körkort samt behärskar svenska och engelska i tal och skrift.

Certifieringar mot ovan är meriterande.

Du är
Lösningsfokuserad, lyhörd för kundernas behov, ansvarstagande och självständig.
Du har 3-5 års erfarenhet av att arbeta med kunder i olika IT-miljöer.

Naturligtvis Nordlo
För oss är digitalisering ett mänskligt hantverk. Tillsammans kan vi skapa hållbar tillväxt som gör att organisationer står väl rustade inför framtiden, med kraften att skapa ett bättre samhälle. För att lyckas behöver vi engagerade medarbetare som vill vara med oss på resan.

Vi tror att nyckeln till vår snabba utveckling är att våra roller går att forma efter medarbetarnas passion och personliga drivkrafter, och för oss är ditt välmående otroligt viktigt. Hos oss kan du förvänta dig följande:

- Stor delaktighet och möjlighet att påverka
- Stora utvecklingsmöjligheter
- Nära samarbete mellan team och kollegor
- Ett starkt och närvarande ledarskap
- En god balans mellan arbetstid och fritid

Är du nyfiken på att veta mer? På vår hemsida kan du läsa om vår verksamhet, kundcase och våra medarbetare.


Är du vår nästa IT-konsult? Tveka inte på att skicka in din ansökan redan idag. Ansökningar hanteras löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag.

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Systemtekniker till it-infrastrukturenheten Uppsala kommun

Läs mer Aug 29
It-infrastruktur hårdvara och support

Har du arbetat som systemtekniker/it-tekniker inom offentlig förvaltning eller större företag och letar efter ett ny spännande utmaning? Vill du arbeta inom ett hos oss växande område och med varierande arbetsuppgifter? Då kan du vara den vi söker till tjänsten som systemtekniker!

It-infrastrukturenheten på Uppsala kommun levererar hela grunden för it och digitalisering i kommunen. Inom enheten ryms serverdrift, datanät, databaser, hantering av datorer och mobila enheter i kommunen samt 1:a och 2:a linjens it-support. Vi är cirka 85 personer på infrastrukturenheten och en del av kommunens it-stab med totalt 175 anställda som i sin tur tillhör kommunledningskontoret.

Inom enheten arbetar vi aktivt med vidareutveckling för medarbetarna och med den bredd av uppgifter som finns inom enheten är möjligheterna att utvecklas inom området goda. Vi möter alla kommunens verksamheter i deras dagliga uppdrag och spännvidden är enorm.

Ditt uppdrag
I rollen som systemtekniker arbetar du huvudsakligen med vår klientplattform och med applikationspaketering. Du och dina kollegor hanterar paketering, konfigurering och distribution av applikationer via SCCM och Intune. Uppdraget handlar om införande av nya system och lösningar men också uppdateringar i befintlig miljö.

Som systemtekniker ingår också att assistera verksamheten med tredje linjesupport i form av tekniska frågor om programvaror samt klientfrågor kopplade till Windows 10/11. Du kommer också ingå i en gruppering som tar emot och behandlar önskemål om ny programvara från verksamheterna. Gruppen hanterar ärenden och beslutar om eventuellt införande utifrån givna parametrar som säkerhet, teknisk lämplighet, GDPR, verksamhetsnytta och kostnader.

Din bakgrund
Vi söker dig som har högskoleutbildning inom it eller annan utbildning som arbetsgivaren bedömer som relevant för tjänsten. För att lyckas i arbetet behöver du ha erfarenhet av arbete som systemtekniker/it-tekniker inom offentlig förvaltning eller större företag. Det är också viktigt att du har erfarenhet av att arbeta med större standardiserade företagsmiljöer baserade på Microsoft Windows OS och Microsoft 365. Eftersom det ingår att assistera verksamheterna med tredje linjesupport är det viktigt att du har erfarenhet av support och klientarbete.

Det är ett krav att du har:

• kunskaper i Microsoft SCCM
• kunskaper i Microsoft Intune/Entra ID
• kunskaper i Active Directory
• kunskaper i applikationshantering.

Det är meriterande om du har:

• utbildning inom ITIL
• erfarenhet av säkerhetsarbete
• erfarenhet av och kunskap i PowerShell
• kunskap i Microsoft 365.

Som person är du en kommunikativ lagspelare med förmågan att hjälpa andra. Du är serviceriktad och lugn, uppmärksam och tillmötesgående i ditt bemötande. Vidare tar du initiativ till aktiviteter för att uppnå resultat. Sist men inte minst är du bra på att strukturera, planera och prioritera ditt arbete.

Har du frågor om tjänsten eller rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta: Mikael Kennbäck, gruppchef, 018-727 11 00.

Facklig företrädare: Vision, Liselotte Ehn, 018-727 49 49.

Har du frågor gällande registrering av din ansökan, kontakta enheten för kompetensförsörjning: 018-727 26 59.

I din ansökan ska du ange medborgarskap. Om du inte är medborgare i Sverige, EU, EES eller Schweiz måste du också kunna styrka att du har ett giltigt arbetstillstånd eller är undantagen från skyldigheten att ha arbetstillstånd. Anställning kan ske först efter kontroll av arbetstillstånd, vilket krävs enligt utlänningsförordningen.

Om vår organisation
Välkommen till kommunledningskontoret. Här jobbar du tillsammans med medarbetare på staber för kommunikation, HR, IT, ekonomi, upphandling och fastighet samt avdelningarna kvalitet och planering, hållbarhet, trygghet, säkerhet och beredskap, samt kansli. På kommunledningskontoret ligger även organisationerna för näringsliv och destination samt gemensam service. Kommunledningskontoret är länken mellan våra förtroendevaldas beslut och kommunens alla verksamheter. Vårt uppdrag är bland annat att samordna och driva övergripande frågor inom demokrati, samhälls- och näringslivsutveckling samt ekologisk och social hållbarhet.

Mer information om hur det är att arbeta i Uppsala kommun hittar du på Jobba hos oss - Uppsala kommun (https://www.uppsala.se/foretag-och-arbete/jobb-och-karriar/jobba-hos-oss/bli-en-av-oss/)

Vi undanber oss erbjudanden om annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp.

Dina personuppgifter kommer att användas för att administrera din ansökan inom Uppsala kommun.

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IT Förvaltningsledare Kundsystem

Läs mer Aug 28
Brinner du för att arbeta med systemförvaltning i komplexa IT-miljöer? Vill du vara med på en spännande digitaliseringsresa där vi bygger ut och förnyar bolagets IT-miljöer? Nu söker vi en IT förvaltningsledare som ska ansvara för förvaltning och vidareutveckling av våra kundsystem med tillhörande tjänster. Vårt huvudsakliga systemstöd hanterar bolagets alla kunder och är underlag för fakturering.

Tjänsten är placerad inom IT-sektionen som i dagsläget består av ca 20 medarbetare. Sektionen ansvarar för en kritisk och högteknologisk IT-drift av hela Uppsala Vattens verksamhet. Verksamheten är utspridd geografiskt i kommunen på våra olika anläggningar. IT-sektionen sitter samlade i nyrenoverade lokaler i norra Uppsala.

Du ingår i IT-sektionens gruppering med övriga systemförvaltare inom bolaget. Du rapporterar till sektionschef IT, men det dagliga arbetet kommer drivas och styras till stor del av samarbetet mellan övriga medarbetare på IT-sektionen och med verksamheten. Rollen kräver att du är självständig med stor förmåga att planera och prioritera eget arbete i en föränderlig omvärld. Eftersom bolaget använder systemförvaltningsmodellen PM3 innebär tjänsten att du kommer ha rollen Förvaltningsledare IT i de förvaltningsobjekt som tjänsten omfattar.

Ta fram och verkställa förvaltningsobjektens förvaltningsplaner i samverkan med verksamheten
Driva, samordna, förvalta och utveckla bolagets kundsystem
Ge support till användare både inom bolaget men också till bolagets entreprenörer
Hantera versionsuppdateringar och utbilda användare
Delta i utvecklingsprojekt som har beröring på förvaltningen
Utveckla e-tjänster och testa nya arbetssätt
Vara kravställare och kvalitetssäkrare i förhållande till leverantören
Säkerställa att IT-systemen efterlever regler och lagstiftning

Högskoleutbildning inom data- och systemvetenskap alternativt motsvarande utbildning eller arbetslivserfarenhet
Några års arbetslivserfarenhet av att jobba i komplexa förvaltningsorganisationer
Goda IT-kunskaper samt några års erfarenhet av att ha arbetat med kundsystem.
God kännedom om och vana att arbeta med och Databaser.
God förståelse för hur andra system och IT-miljöer påverkar varandra
Arbetslivserfarenhet av att leda användargrupper
God förmåga att uttrycka dig i tal och skrift på svenska och engelska

Vi lägger stor vikt vid dina personliga egenskaper. För att lyckas i rollen tror vi att du är självgående, strukturerad och drivande. Du har ett systematiskt arbetssätt med en god förmåga att planera och prioritera ditt arbete. Då rollen innebär många samarbeten, både internt och externt, bör du ha mycket god samarbetsförmåga, vara lyhörd, pedagogisk och serviceinriktad. Du är utvecklingsorienterad, har ett driv att ständigt förbättra och utveckla samt har en möjliggörande attityd. 

Anställningen innebär placering i säkerhetsklass. Ett krav för anställning är godkänt resultat i säkerhetsprövningen med registerkontroll, som genomförs i enlighet med säkerhetsskyddslagen. Vi ställer höga krav på våra medarbetares säkerhets- och sekretessmedvetande. Du ska även vara beredd att krigsplaceras inom ramen för Uppsala Vatten och Avfalls roll i totalförsvaret. Urvalstester kan förekomma, fördjupad bakgrundskontroll kommer genomföras som ett led i säkerhetsprövningen. 

Om företaget

Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB
Välkommen till Uppsala Vatten och Avfall AB. Vårt mål är att aktivt bidra till ett hållbart samhälle. Det gör vi genom att ständigt utveckla nya resurssmarta lösningar och uppmuntra till återvinning och återbruk. Vi ger Uppsala dricksvatten, renar avloppsvatten och tar hand om regnvatten. Vi skapar kretsloppstjänster där vi gör biogas av matavfall, minskar vattenförbrukningen och återanvänder material på bästa sätt. Vi bidrar till ett cirkulärt Uppsala.
Vill du veta mer om Uppsala Vatten? Läs mer på Om oss | uppsalavatten.se

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Andra jobb i Uppsala från Who Collaborating Centre For Int Drug Monitoring

Nedan visas andra jobb i Uppsala från Who Collaborating Centre For Int Drug Monitoring .

Senior Cloud Data Engineer

Läs mer Sep 4
Would you like to use your data engineering expertise to enhance the safer use of medicines and vaccines? Do you excel in diverse, multicultural teams and find satisfaction in tackling problems that deliver tangible benefits? Are you eager to drive a dynamic development culture that transforms research discoveries into impactful products? Then this position is right for you!

Since 1978, Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) has been dedicated to developing, supporting, and expanding the field of pharmacovigilance science and practice. As a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre, we support work around the world to examine the potential adverse effects of medicines and vaccines and contribute to safer, more informed care of patients. We are a diverse, international group of pharmacists, physicians, data scientists, system developers, communicators, and many other professionals motivated by a deep belief that the work we do matters.

We are seeking an experienced cloud data engineer to assist us in enhancing our data-related processes, ensuring the security, accessibility, maintenance, and cost-effectiveness of our cloud data infrastructure. The ideal candidate will be instrumental in developing new data assets and significantly enhancing the value of our current data assets.

As senior cloud data engineer, you will report to the Head of Data Science within the Research department, working alongside a team of data scientists to make sure our data infrastructure remains fit for purpose. You will be in a unique position to leverage research outputs, adding value for both internal and external stakeholders within a fun and dynamic multidisciplinary department.

What you will do

- Collaboration and support- Work closely with research data scientists, software developers, IT specialists, and the enterprise architect.- Support data scientists in developing and deploying data pipelines to Azure, according to their data engineering competence.- Act as the interface between the Data Science team and the systems development team, ensuring the alignment and harmonisation of data infrastructures.
- Data management- Ensure regular updates to the main internal databases based on production environment data.- Develop and manage automated pipelines for fetching and compiling external data through APIs and bulk downloads.- Create and maintain versioned databases with regular updates via automated processes.- Re-evaluate and redesign existing database structures to enhance efficiency and performance.- Monitor databases costs and usage through key performance metrics.
- Security and compliance- Ensure robust security measures and policy compliance for all data and infrastructure.- Implement and manage maintenance processes to ensure data integrity and accessibility.
- Quality and optimisation- Ensure data quality and fitness for purpose through rigorous validation and cleansing processes.- Optimise database accessibility and performance within the cloud environment.
- Best practices and innovation- Champion good development practices, fostering a culture of CD/CI, DevOps, and MLOps within the team.- Propose and implement initiatives for automation and harmonisation to improve team efficiency.
- Analysis and implementation- Conduct data analysis and create visualisations to extract insights from our unique database of medicines and vaccines side effects.- Advise on and lead the deployment of purpose-built data infrastructures on Azure, leveraging analytical insights.
- Documentation and trends- Develop and maintain thorough documentation for the cloud data infrastructure.- Stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in cloud data engineering, continuously improving processes and systems.
Who you are

- You have at least 5 years hands-on experience of managing databases in cloud infrastructures, specifically Microsoft Azure.
- You have an in-depth understanding of cloud security best practices and compliance standards.
- You have experience with ETL processes and tools.
- You have excellent knowledge of DevOps practices and CI/CD pipelines.
- You have a deep understanding of data governance principles and data lifecycle management.
- You have hands-on experience of monitoring and logging tools to ensure database performance and availability.
- You have solid programming skills and demonstrate rigour in documentation and testing.
- You have soliud data analysis and data visualisation skills.
- You are proficient in , Python, and one IaC language – knowledge of R is a plus.
- You hold a master’s degree in computer science, engineering, or another quantitative field.
- You have strong interpersonal skills and are comfortable working with multiple stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and nationalities.
- You are innovative, independent, driven, and can quickly devise fit-for-purpose deployment solutions.
- You are generous and enjoy helping others to solve problems.
- Certification in Azure (e.g. Microsoft Certified: Azure Database Administrator Associate) is a plus.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the government of Sweden as a WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring.

UMC is custodian of the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines and strengthens global safety surveillance through science and innovation, signal analysis and pharmacovigilance tool development, standardisation with the WHODrug dictionary, and education and communication.

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Pharmacovigilance Scientist

Läs mer Jul 17
Would you like to contribute to the safer use of medicines and vaccines for everyone everywhere? We are looking for a physician or pharmacist to join our Signal Management section.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre responsible for the operations of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM). The organisation is the custodian of VigiBase, the WHO global database of adverse event reports for medicines and vaccines, comprising over 35 million individual case safety reports submitted by programme members around the world. UMC supports PIDM members in developing, implementing, and strengthening safety surveillance programmes. The WHO Liaison department has 19 staff with diverse skill sets and backgrounds, divided into three sections: Signal Management, Education & Training, and Surveillance Implementation & Strengthening.

You will join the Signal Management section, which consists of eight scientists with educational backgrounds in medicine or pharmacy.

What you will do

With support from UMC’s Research department, the section regularly screens VigiBase to detect safety signals. A signal is defined as information that suggests a new potentially causal association or a new aspect of a known association between an intervention and an event or a set of events. UMC’s signals are primarily intended to alert and inform the national pharmacovigilance centres and regulatory authorities within the PIDM. These organisations are responsible for evaluating the information received and deciding on further action at a national level. Our potential signals are prioritised for further investigation in consultation with UMC’s external clinical experts.

You will:
- Perform the clinical assessment of case series related to potential signals, including causality assessment and reviewing the scientific literature for additional evidence. - Critically review the signal assessments performed by your team members. - Disseminate the findings, including publishing in the WHO Pharmaceuticals Newsletter and peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as presenting at scientific conferences. - Share your expertise in collaborations with other sections and departments within UMC, such as Education & Training and Research. - Work closely with WHO’s Pharmacovigilance team and provide support to the WHO advisory committees on the safety of medicinal products and vaccines.
This is a full-time position based at UMC’s office in the centre of Uppsala, Sweden, conveniently located three minutes away from the railway and bus stations.

- Are a physician or a pharmacist with recent experience in healthcare or research. - Have a strong analytical capability and interest. - Are proficient in scientific writing, with an eye for detail. - Are fluent in written and spoken English. - Are proactive and capable of driving activities to completion. - Collaborate well with your team members and other stakeholders. - Contribute to a positive and nurturing work environment.
We will process applications on an ongoing basis during the recruitment period.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As a non-profit foundation, we support the World Health Organization, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Pharmacovigilance Technical Officer

Läs mer Jul 3
Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is recruiting two Pharmacovigilance Technical Officers to join a new section within our WHO Liaison department. The section carries out projects and activities to support WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM) members in developing, implementing, and strengthening safety surveillance programmes.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation and international centre for medicine and vaccine safety and scientific research. UMC is a World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre responsible for operating the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM) with over 175 member states and territories. UMC supports PIDM members in developing, implementing, and strengthening safety surveillance programmes. The WHO Liaison department has 19 staff with diverse skill sets and backgrounds, divided into three sections: signal management, education and training, and surveillance implementation and strengthening. The new Surveillance Implementation and Strengthening (SI&S) section works closely with WHO’s pharmacovigilance team to support capacity-building activities relevant to the PIDM. The section oversees external account management and maintains contacts with PIDM members and other organisations to support surveillance strengthening.

What you will do
As a Pharmacovigilance Technical Officer, you will focus on the technical aspects of the section’s operations, ensuring that pharmacovigilance products for collecting and managing adverse event reports are introduced and implemented optimally. You will collaborate with WHO, PIDM member organisations, and other key stakeholders. You will report to the Head of Surveillance Implementation & Strengthening. You will:

- Assist and support PIDM members by introducing and onboarding/re-onboarding PV products.
- Assist in planning, executing, and managing surveillance implementation activities in countries worldwide alongside WHO.
- Troubleshoot and resolve issues according to internal processes and escalation procedures.
- Maintain and update technical information shared with PIDM organisations.
- Coordinate with other UMC teams to ensure timely completion of tasks to support PIDM members.
- Maintain accurate records of implementation activities and their progress.
- Train PIDM member organisation staff and stakeholders on the use of pharmacovigilance products in collaboration with other UMC sections and external stakeholders.
- Develop and deliver training materials for pharmacovigilance products and prepare for launch sessions.
- Ensure all PIDM operations comply with release notes and instructions from the Product Management section.
Analyse PIDM member needs and recommend long-term improvements to the Portfolio & Product Management Department.

Occasional travel to global meetings and events, typically 2-6 times annually.

- Bachelor’s or master’s degree in a relevant field, such as public health or the life sciences.
- At least two years’ experience in pharmacovigilance.
- Experience with implementing solutions for safety surveillance and related training.
- Medical regulatory expertise and familiarity with benchmarking activities are highly valued.
- Self-driven and results-oriented with excellent communication and pedagogical skills.
- Ability to conduct presentations and lead discussions across varying levels of seniority and knowledgeable audiences.
- Fluent in written and spoken English; additional languages are a plus.

Personal Characteristics:

- Creative, curious, and collaborative.
- Detail-oriented, proactive, and capable of driving activities to completion.
- Comfortable working independently and in groups, creating good relationships, and inspiring others.
- Skilled at working with multiple stakeholders with diverse backgrounds and nationalities.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As a non-profit foundation, we support the WHO, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.

UMC’s official language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Outreach Specialist & Business Analyst

Läs mer Jun 3
We are looking for a resourceful Outreach Specialist & Business Analyst with experience from the life sciences, to work with data analysis as well as our virtual and in-person events. All in a dynamic and multicultural environment.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a non-profit foundation established in 1978 through an agreement between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Government of Sweden to oversee the technical and scientific operations of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring. Our trusted array of pharmacovigilance products and services, assist national regulatory authorities, the global pharmaceutical industry and other stakeholders to develop new medicines and vaccines and actively monitor the use of medicines and vaccines already on the market.

UMC is currently seeking applications for an Outreach Specialist & Business Analyst to our expanding Outreach section. As a small, close-knit and high performing team, we work collaboratively and support one another. Our mission is to raise awareness of UMC's products and services, engaging with potential new users of our products, to foster relationships with external stakeholders, and to provide services to our extensive user communities. These consist of professionals from the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory bodies, and other key stakeholders in the life sciences sector. Within UMC, we also work closely with Product Management, Customer Engagement as well as other external-facing units.

What you will do
Uppsala Monitoring Centre is recruiting an Outreach Specialist & Business Analyst to the Outreach Section. This is a varied role where you will be part of the External Engagement Department. It is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience within a growing department with plenty of responsibility and the opportunity to learn and develop your skills.

As an Outreach Specialist & Business Analyst, you will independently discover and analyse market trends, segments, problem areas, new regulations and evaluate existing product performance, using both quantitative and qualitative metrics. The position also aims to efficiently plan, organize, and execute UMC's product-related external events, both in-person and online, while ensuring alignment with strategic objectives. This position oversees logistics, manage participant engagement, measure event impact, and represent UMC professionally to external stakeholders.

About you
You get motivated by diving into complex scenarios as well as problems and together with your colleagues, find new solutions and opportunities to the problems. You should also be straightforward; solution orientated and get powered by being part of a changing and growing team with many new potentials.

You are structured, delivery-focused and a good team player. You have a passion for stakeholder engagement as well as market and business intelligence, statistics and creating insight from performance numbers. You should also have good communication and networking skills with the ability to co-operate and connect with various stakeholders to explain new and/or complex matters in a way that is easy to understand.
Who you are

- You have at least a Master’s degree in a relevant field.
- You have experience from the life sciences, preferably in a Business-to-Business (B2B) setting.
- It’s an advantage if you have experience from working with UMC’s pharmacovigilance tools and services.
- You have excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; proficiency in languages additional to English and Swedish is advantageous.
- You have strong organisational skills with a systematic work approach, a meticulous eye for detail and a commitment to quality.
- Your approach at work is one which values collaboration, adaptability, and a willingness to roll up your sleeves and do what's needed to get the job done.
- You have experience from external relationships. You will be in a position where you need to feel comfortable representing UMC as an organisation and building long-term relationships with our stakeholders in a knowledge intense industry.
- You are an effective multitasker able to adapt to changing schedules, and have a results-oriented mindset.
- You understand the importance of creating and maintaining good relationships with others.
- You are self-driven and result-oriented.
- It’s beneficial if you have experience working in event management as well as data analysis tools, such as Qlik and Lyyti.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As an independent, non-profit foundation, we support the World Health Organization, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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Pharmacovigilance Education Specialist

Läs mer Maj 8
Would you like to contribute to the safer use of medicines and vaccines for everyone everywhere? We are looking for a Pharmacovigilance Education Specialist to join our highly motivated and experienced Education and Training team in their work to strengthen pharmacovigilance systems globally. This is a full-time position based in the heart of Uppsala, Sweden, and may be filled before the close of applications, so please apply as soon as possible.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is an independent, non-profit foundation and international centre for medicine safety and scientific research UMC is a World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre and oversees the technical and scientific operations of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring covering more than 95% of the world’s population. The organisation is custodian of VigiBase, which is the largest global database of suspected adverse events of medicines and vaccines. In addition to working with drug safety signal monitoring, UMC has developed WHODrug Global, which is the world’s most widely used drug dictionary, and is advancing pharmacovigilance through science and innovation and education and communication. UMC is governed by a board consisting of members from the Swedish government and WHO and has approximately 150 employees based in Uppsala (Sweden).

Your role

As a Pharmacovigilance Education Specialist, you will participate in/be responsible for the planning, design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the pharmacovigilance education and training that UMC offers to the global community. To support the safer use of medicines and vaccines globally, training is offered to staff at national pharmacovigilance centres within the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring (PIDM). In this role, you will collaborate with internal and external experts to develop online and face-to-face courses.

What you will do

- Plan, coordinate, and participate in the development of training activities in collaboration with colleagues and external experts.
- Develop and create new courses that meet the needs of our target audience.
- Work together with colleagues to ensure that learning objectives are aligned with UMC’s education strategy, overall goals, and other learning paths.
- Act as a trainer, and lead courses (online and/or face-to-face) and other training activities.
- Participate in the follow-up and evaluation of new courses to improve our training offerings.
- Give internal and external presentations.
- Perform other tasks related to education and training.

Who you are

The successful candidate has a BSc or MSc degree in life sciences, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, or similar, and has excellent written and spoken English. To be successful in the role you are knowledgeable in pharmacovigilance and have previous experience of project management. You should also have pedagogical skills and experience of teaching or developing training, preferably e-learning or remote learning.

As a person you:

- Enjoy working collaboratively, both within your own team but also across the organisation.
- Can work independently.
- Have an aptitude for development and innovation.
- Have a flexible mindset and cope well with changes in internal or external demands.
- Are self-driven and results-oriented with excellent communication skills, both written and verbal.
- Are responsible, analytical, organised, and solution focused.
- Contribute to a creative and positive working environment.

It would be an advantage if you:

- Speak additional languages.

Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) is a centre for international service and scientific research in the field of pharmacovigilance. We are the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, and manage the technical and operational aspects of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring since 1978.

As an independent, non-profit foundation, we support the World Health Organization, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders who share our vision of advancing medicines safety. Through research and development of new scientific methods, we explore the benefits and harms of medicines for patients, and offer products and services used by health authorities and the pharmaceutical industry worldwide

UMC’s working language is English. We normally apply a probationary period to new appointments.

UMC follows the collective agreements between the Swedish Agency for Government Employers and Saco-S and ST. Union representatives are Malin Zaar (Saco-S) and Jessica Avasol (ST), +46 (0)18-65 60 60.

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