Uppsala: Speech Therapy

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Publicerad: 2024-09-03 // Varaktighet: Heltid

Uppsala International School (UIS)  serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education in English and Swedish for students aged 6-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 and warmly welcome your application.

UIS follows the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 6 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 19) examinations.

Uppsala International School will offer The International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19. The IB programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The programme is designed for highly motivated students looking for a rigourous educational experience.

Uppsala International School (UIS) serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education for students aged 5-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 and warmly welcome your application.

We follow the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 5 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 18) examinations.

• UIS is a fully accredited Cambridge International School.

• Uppsala International School is a non-fee-paying school.

Our campus at Palmbladsgatan 12, 754 50 Uppsala has a capacity to welcome up to 800 students. The campus provides ample space, high-quality facilities, and abundant resources necessary for students to develop and thrive on their educational journey.

UIS prides itself on being an inclusive school that embraces diversity in terms of backgrounds, nationalities, and abilities. The multicultural mix of students creates a vibrant learning environment, and we set high standards for all our students, both inside and outside the classroom.

We are looking for an outstanding a highly motivated, creative, and dynamic Speech and Language Therapy to join the https://uppsalainternationalschool.



The successful applicant will have the following:

- Exceptional subject knowledge in English.

If you meet the above criteria, are enthusiastic about teaching and learning and have the drive and passion to get the most from our students then we would very much welcome your application.

Important Note:

Uppsala International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students. Applicants will be required to submit a current police criminal clearance check or equivalent from their home country or current country of residence prior to appointment.

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Andra jobb i Uppsala som Talpedagog

Nedan visas andra jobb i Uppsala som Talpedagog.

Språkvårdare med fokus på klarspråk

Läs mer Aug 9
För dig som läser detta vill vi på Netjobs Group AB informera om att vi endast tar emot ansökningar via vår hemsida, inte via e-post eller telefon. För att ansöka till tjänsten, vänligen besök https://karriarguiden.se/sv/jobb/sprakvardare-med-fokus-pa-klarsprak. Vi ser fram emot din ansökan!

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Läs mer Mar 28

Välkommen till Uppsala kommun! Hos oss får du 13000 kollegor inom 200 olika yrken. Varje dag jobbar vi för Uppsalas kommuninvånare: Vi lär barn att läsa, vårdar äldre, sopar gatorna, planerar fler bostäder och mycket mer. Kom och jobba med oss och få en hel kommun att fungera. Du är med och skapar ett mer rättvist och jämställt Uppsala för alla, oavsett behov och bakgrund. Det du gör på jobbet gör skillnad för någon annan.

Valsätraskolan har drygt 900 elever från förskoleklass till år 9. Skolan ligger i Valsätra, ca 4 km söder om centrum.

Läs mer om Valsätraskolan (http://www.valsatraskolan.uppsala.se)

Som talpedagog ska du ha stor erfarenhet av barn med tal- och språkproblematik och kunna utföra enkla fonologiska och språkliga tester. Du kommer i huvudsak att arbeta i två mindre tal-och språkklasser med elever som har en diagnostiserad språkstörning. I tjänsten ingår även visst arbete med elever med språklig problematik på övriga skolan. Du är delaktig i dokumentation kring eleverna.

Vi söker dig som har utbildning som talpedagog eller som logoped. Du har erfarenhet av undervisning i grundskolan. Vi ser gärna att du har IT-kompetens kring specialpedagogiska lärverktyg.
Du har en god pedagogisk förmåga och förståelse för människors olika förutsättningar att ta till sig kunskap. Du har förmåga till helhetssyn och att se frågor i ett större perspektiv. Vidare har du en god samarbetsförmåga och relaterar till andra på ett lyhört och smidigt sätt.

Har du frågor om tjänsten eller rekryteringsprocessen, kontakta:
Tomas Rylander, rektor, 018-727 62 30

Facklig företrädare: Lärarförbundet Tina Wesslén, 018-727 62 31
Lärarförbundet Neno Dervovic, 018-727 62 31
LR Tove Fraurud, 018-727 62 31

Har du frågor gällande registrering av din ansökan, kontakta enheten för kompetensförsörjning: 018-727 11 80.

I din ansökan ska du ange medborgarskap. Om du inte är medborgare i Sverige, EU, EES eller Schweiz måste du också kunna styrka att du har ett giltigt arbetstillstånd eller är undantagen från skyldigheten att ha arbetstillstånd.
Anställning kan ske först efter kontroll av arbetstillstånd, vilket krävs enligt utlänningsförordningen.
Vi undanber oss erbjudanden om annonserings- och rekryteringshjälp.

Dina personuppgifter kommer att användas för att administrera din ansökan inom Uppsala kommun.

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Andra jobb i Uppsala från STEAM Education holding AB

Nedan visas andra jobb i Uppsala från STEAM Education holding AB .

Lärare i Svenska

Grundlärare, förskoleklass och 1-3
Läs mer Sep 3
Uppsala International School (UIS)  serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education in English and Swedish for students aged 6-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 and warmly welcome your application.

UIS follows the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 6 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 19) examinations.

Uppsala International School will offer The International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19. The IB programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The programme is designed for highly motivated students looking for a rigourous educational experience.

Uppsala International School (UIS) serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education for students aged 5-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 and warmly welcome your application.

We follow the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 5 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 18) examinations.

• UIS is a fully accredited Cambridge International School.

• Uppsala International School is a non-fee-paying school.

Our campus at Palmbladsgatan 12, 754 50 Uppsala has a capacity to welcome up to 800 students. The campus provides ample space, high-quality facilities, and abundant resources necessary for students to develop and thrive on their educational journey.

UIS prides itself on being an inclusive school that embraces diversity in terms of backgrounds, nationalities, and abilities. The multicultural mix of students creates a vibrant learning environment, and we set high standards for all our students, both inside and outside the classroom.

We are looking for an outstanding a highly motivated, creative, and dynamic Swedish teacher to join the https://uppsalainternationalschool.



The successful applicant will have the following:

-  A bachelor’s degree in a related subject and a certified teaching qualification 

If you meet the above criteria, are enthusiastic about teaching and learning and have the drive and passion to get the most from our students then we would very much welcome your application.

Important Note:

https://uppsalainternationalschool.com/ is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students. Applicants will be required to submit a current police criminal clearance check or equivalent from their home country or current country of residence prior to appointment.

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Elev Assistant / Student Assisstant

Läs mer Sep 9
Uppsala International School (UIS)  serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education in English and Swedish for students aged 6-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 and warmly welcome your application.

UIS follows the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 6 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 19) examinations.

Uppsala International School will offer The International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19. The IB programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The programme is designed for highly motivated students looking for a rigourous educational experience.

Uppsala International School (UIS) serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education for students aged 5-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 and warmly welcome your application.

We follow the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 5 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 18) examinations.

• UIS is a fully accredited Cambridge International School.

• Uppsala International School is a non-fee-paying school.

Our campus at Palmbladsgatan 12, 754 50 Uppsala has a capacity to welcome up to 800 students. The campus provides ample space, high-quality facilities, and abundant resources necessary for students to develop and thrive on their educational journey.

UIS prides itself on being an inclusive school that embraces diversity in terms of backgrounds, nationalities, and abilities. The multicultural mix of students creates a vibrant learning environment, and we set high standards for all our students, both inside and outside the classroom.

We are looking for an outstanding a highly motivated, creative, and dynamic Student Assistant  to  join  https://uppsalainternationalschool.



The successful applicant will have the following:

-  A bachelor’s degree in a related subject and a certified teaching qualification 

If you meet the above criteria, are enthusiastic about teaching and learning and have the drive and passion to get the most from our students then we would very much welcome your application.

Important Note:

https://uppsalainternationalschool.com/ is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students. Applicants will be required to submit a current police criminal clearance check or equivalent from their home country or current country of residence prior to appointment.

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Music Teacher

Läs mer Sep 6
Uppsala International School (UIS)  serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education in English and Swedish for students aged 6-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 and warmly welcome your application.

UIS follows the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 6 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 19) examinations.

Uppsala International School will offer The International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19. The IB programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The programme is designed for highly motivated students looking for a rigourous educational experience.

Uppsala International School (UIS) serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education for students aged 5-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 and warmly welcome your application.

We follow the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 5 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 18) examinations.

• UIS is a fully accredited Cambridge International School.

• Uppsala International School is a non-fee-paying school.

Our campus at Palmbladsgatan 12, 754 50 Uppsala has a capacity to welcome up to 800 students. The campus provides ample space, high-quality facilities, and abundant resources necessary for students to develop and thrive on their educational journey.

UIS prides itself on being an inclusive school that embraces diversity in terms of backgrounds, nationalities, and abilities. The multicultural mix of students creates a vibrant learning environment, and we set high standards for all our students, both inside and outside the classroom.

We are looking for an outstanding a highly motivated, creative, and dynamic Music teacher

 to join  https://uppsalainternationalschool.



The successful applicant will have the following:

-  A bachelor’s degree in a related subject and a certified teaching qualification 

If you meet the above criteria, are enthusiastic about teaching and learning and have the drive and passion to get the most from our students then we would very much welcome your application.

Important Note:

https://uppsalainternationalschool.com/ is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students. Applicants will be required to submit a current police criminal clearance check or equivalent from their home country or current country of residence prior to appointment.

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Special educational needs (SEN) teacher

Ämneslärare, 7-9
Läs mer Sep 7
Uppsala International School (UIS)  serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education in English and Swedish for students aged 6-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 and warmly welcome your application.

UIS follows the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 6 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 19) examinations.

Uppsala International School will offer The International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19. The IB programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The programme is designed for highly motivated students looking for a rigourous educational experience.

Uppsala International School (UIS) serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education for students aged 5-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 and warmly welcome your application.

We follow the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 5 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 18) examinations.

• UIS is a fully accredited Cambridge International School.

• Uppsala International School is a non-fee-paying school.

Our campus at Palmbladsgatan 12, 754 50 Uppsala has a capacity to welcome up to 800 students. The campus provides ample space, high-quality facilities, and abundant resources necessary for students to develop and thrive on their educational journey.

UIS prides itself on being an inclusive school that embraces diversity in terms of backgrounds, nationalities, and abilities. The multicultural mix of students creates a vibrant learning environment, and we set high standards for all our students, both inside and outside the classroom.

We are looking for an outstanding a highly motivated, creative, and dynamic

Special educational needs (SEN) teacher
 to join the https://uppsalainternationalschool.



The successful applicant will have the following:

-  A bachelor’s degree in a related subject and a certified teaching qualification such as BEd/PGCE/PGDE (or equivalent).
- Exceptional subject knowledge in English.

If you meet the above criteria, are enthusiastic about teaching and learning and have the drive and passion to get the most from our students then we would very much welcome your application.

Important Note:

Uppsala International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students. Applicants will be required to submit a current police criminal clearance check or equivalent from their home country or current country of residence prior to appointment.

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English Teacher

Ämneslärare, 7-9
Läs mer Sep 12
Uppsala International School (UIS)  serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education in English and Swedish for students aged 6-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 and warmly welcome your application.

UIS follows the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 6 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 19) examinations.

Uppsala International School will offer The International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19. The IB programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The programme is designed for highly motivated students looking for a rigourous educational experience.

Uppsala International School (UIS) serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education for students aged 5-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 and warmly welcome your application.

We follow the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 5 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 18) examinations.

• UIS is a fully accredited Cambridge International School.

• Uppsala International School is a non-fee-paying school.

Our campus at Palmbladsgatan 12, 754 50 Uppsala has a capacity to welcome up to 800 students. The campus provides ample space, high-quality facilities, and abundant resources necessary for students to develop and thrive on their educational journey.

UIS prides itself on being an inclusive school that embraces diversity in terms of backgrounds, nationalities, and abilities. The multicultural mix of students creates a vibrant learning environment, and we set high standards for all our students, both inside and outside the classroom.

We are looking for an outstanding a highly motivated, creative, and dynamic English teacher to join the https://uppsalainternationalschool.



The successful applicant will have the following:

-  A bachelor’s degree in a related subject and a certified teaching qualification such as BEd/PGCE/PGDE (or equivalent).
- Exceptional subject knowledge in The IB curriculum.

If you meet the above criteria, are enthusiastic about teaching and learning and have the drive and passion to get the most from our students then we would very much welcome your application.

Important Note:

Uppsala International School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all its students. Applicants will be required to submit a current police criminal clearance check or equivalent from their home country or current country of residence prior to appointment.

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School Nurse

Läs mer Sep 5
Uppsala International School (UIS)  serves the needs of international families in the Uppsala Region and provides an exceptional international education in English and Swedish for students aged 6-19. We are currently enrolling students for the upcoming academic year 2024/2025 and warmly welcome your application.

UIS follows the broad and balanced Cambridge International curriculum, delivering an International Education in English to students aged 6 to 19. Our education programme leads to IGCSE (at age 16) and A Level (at age 19) examinations.

Uppsala International School will offer The International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19. The IB programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities. The programme is designed for highly motivated students looking for a rigourous educational experience.

We are looking for a fully trained, self-motivated, and responsive professional school nurse with experience in school health care and counseling services for students.

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