Q-Med AB jobb i Uppsala

Hitta lediga jobb hos Q-Med AB i Uppsala. Välj att läsa mer om ett jobb eller gå vidare och ansök jobbet i Uppsala.

Laboratory Engineer QC Chemistry

Läs mer Sep 6
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Laboratory Engineer QC Chemistry
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Job Description
Galderma växer och står inför en spännande resa och nu söker vi en erfaren Laboratorieingenjör till QC Kemi! Har du ett intresse för att arbeta i labb och att driva förändringar? Då är detta rollen för dig!

I tjänsten som Laboratorieingenjör QC Kemi kommer du att arbeta i laboratoriemiljö, utföra kemiska analyser och tillsammans med dina kollegor ta hand om labbet samt utrustning och metoder. Som laboratorieingenjör inom QC kommer du också att driva spännande förbättringar och samarbeta med andra avdelningar inom företaget. Beroende på tidigare erfarenheter kan även handledning av kollegor som teknisk expert inom biokemiska- och kromatografiska analysmetoder ingå i arbetsuppgifterna.


* Utföra och dokumentera kemiska och biokemiska analyser
* Granska analytiska resultat
* Ansvara för instrument och analysmetoder
* Skapa och uppdatera interna instruktioner och dokument


* Naturvetenskaplig högskoleutbildning
* Flera års erfarenheter inom laborativ verksamhet
* Mycket goda kunskaper inom proteinkemi och biokemiska metoder. Gedigen erfarenhet och kunskaper inom kromotografi, är meriterande
* Flytande svenska och engelska
* Erfarenhet av förbättringsarbete

En framgångsrik kandidat behöver ha mod att utmana kända processer och ta initiativ till förbättringar som bidrar till en mer effektiv kvalitetskontroll. Det är också viktigt att agera självständigt i beslutsfattande och informationsinhämtning, ha fokus på kunden och leverera mot uppsatta mål, samt ha ett noggrant och kvalitetsmedvetet arbetssätt med förmågan att planera och prioritera effektivt.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 1 oktober 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en virtuell intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Shift Manager

Produktionschef, tillverkning
Läs mer Sep 4
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Shift Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Vi söker en engagerad och driven Skiftchef till vår produktionsavdelning i Uppsala. Som skiftchef kommer du att leda ditt team i den dagliga verksamheten och säkerställa att vi når våra produktionsmål med hög kvalitet och säkerhet.

Du kommer att ha ansvar för arbetsmiljö, personalplanering och utbildning samt koordinering av verksamheten mot andra produktions- och supportgrupper. Rollen innefattar även att arbeta aktivt med förbättringsarbete och utveckla ditt ansvarsområde. Din förmåga att analysera och lösa komplexa problem kommer att vara avgörande för att lyckas i rollen. Vi erbjuder en dynamisk arbetsmiljö där du får möjlighet att påverka och bidra till företagets framgång.



Tillgodose bemanning för att uppfylla dagliga produktionsmål.

Agera utifrån övergripande mål för att säkra våra leveranser.

Fördela och koordinera resurser för utbildningar och projekt i samverkan med chef.

Ta beslut som arbetsledning i process.

Ha personalansvar inklusive rekrytering, rehabilitering, PMP och lönesättning.

Ansvara för arbetsmiljön inom delegerat område, inklusive skyddsronder och utredningar.

Säkerställa att all tillverkning sker i enlighet med gällande regelverk.

Leda och planera den dagliga driften mot satta produktionsmål.




Flytande svenska och goda kunskaper i professionell engelska

Minst några år erfarenhet som ledare inom daglig styrning

Erfarenhet från LEAN och 5s

Erfarenhet av tillverkning och kvalitetssystem enligt GMP är en fördel

Goda datorkunskaper, inklusive Word, Excel och PowerPoint

Förmåga att kommunicera och utbilda teamet, samt introducera ny personal

Vi söker dig som är en driven och ansvarstagande individ med en lösningsorienterad och innovativ inställning. Du är skicklig på att se och förstå människor, vilket gör att du kan hantera olika situationer med empati och effektivitet. Dina personliga egenskaper är av största vikt - du har förmågan att identifiera problem, ta tag i dem och lösa dem med beslutsamhet och handlingskraft. Du har skinn på näsan och tvekar inte att ta initiativ. Dessutom har du ett intresse för att följa KPI:er och daglig styrning, vilket gör dig till en viktig tillgång för vårt team.

Är du den vi letar efter? Sök idag och bli en del av vårt dynamiska team!

Arbetstiderna följer skiftets gång, du arbetar dag en vecka och kväll den andra veckan.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

Som ny chef på Galderma kommer du att delta i våra ledarskapsprogram och reflektera över hur du leder dig själv och andra. Du kommer också att gå med i ett lokalt nätverk av chefer för att diskutera, utbyta perspektiv och få stöd från kollegor.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 1 oktober 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.


Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.

Nästa steg är en intervju med anställande chef

Andra steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Sista steget är en facklig intervju

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Head of Regulatory Affairs Sculptra

Läs mer Aug 22
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Head of Regulatory Affairs Restylane Sculptra
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid, 3 days at the office)

Would you like to work as a Group Manager for Regulatory Affairs in a global organization that is currently in an exciting and expansive phase? Then this can be the role for you!

The Regulatory Affairs Department at Galderma Uppsala is responsible for all Regulatory aspects of Galderma's aesthetic business at global level. This includes new product registrations, line extensions and Life Cycle Management of the portfolio.

About the Role
We are now looking for a leader to manage the team of Regulatory Affairs professionals focused on the Biostimulator portfolio and other Medical devices with certain cross-functional responsibilities. The team is responsible for all regulatory activities with the objective to obtain and maintain product licenses in key markets worldwide. You will manage a team of independent individuals who each possess high-level skills. The culture of the group is reflected by cooperation and trust. Your task among others will be to lead the group further in its development, and to ensure that regulatory projects move forward.

Your responsibilities and focus will include:

* Lead the strategic work for regulatory activities within the team in close collaboration with the Department Head and the team managers for Sculptra.
* Development of overall regulatory strategies for new marketing applications worldwide
* Team leadership and individual development in order to reach the overall objectives set for the organization.
* Development of working methods and routines for the team
* Ensure that the group has the necessary resource and competencies in order to succeed
* Driving key regulatory affairs projects and activities across the organization

Skills & Qualifications:
We are looking for an experienced person and who is able to handle change and challenge as part of the everyday work. Your ability to encourage, empower and recognize your team is a key component of the role and an important success factor for Galderma.

* Hold a university degree in a life science area such as Pharmaceutical Science or similar
* You should preferably have several years' experience of Regulatory Affairs, within the Medical Device or Pharmaceutical industry.
* Management experience.
* You are flexible and able to accept the need for change. You have the ability to create a vision of change and to build commitment to this vision for your group.
* You are self-driven, flexible, methodical and have the ability to structure work and manage multiple requests while maintaining timelines
* You possess good communication and collaboration skills and are fluent in Swedish and English, both verbal and written.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As a new Manager at Galderma, you will participate to our Leadership programs and reflect on how you lead yourself and others. You will also join a local network of managers to discuss, exchange perspectives and get support from peers.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 21st of September 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

QA Supplier Control Manager

Civilingenjör, kvalitet, kemiteknik
Läs mer Aug 27
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: QA Supplier Control Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description
Join Galderma as QA Supplier Control Manager in our supplier control team, where you will have a unique opportunity to work with our suppliers, have an impact on Galderma's QA work and grow in your career!

Key Responsibilities

* Manage supplier control and supplier management.
* Plan and perform quality audits of suppliers, service providers and contract manufacturers.
* Analyse audit data and identify deviations from GMP/GDP and follow up on audit observations.
* Manage supplier change notifications.
* Manage deviations in relation to materials and services.
* Manage quality agreements.
* Research and evaluate QA policies, deploying strategies for improved effectiveness.
* Analyze ongoing QA processes and identify areas for improvement.
* Establish relationships with internal and external stakeholders, advising and guiding on QA matters.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's/master's degree within a relevant field.
* Documented experience working with GMP within medical devices (ISO 13485) and/or pharmaceuticals is required.
* Professional level in Swedish and English
* Experience from quality or regulatory in a regulated environment is an advantage.
* Experience with supplier management is an advantage.
* Experience from laboratory work is an advantage.

To succeed in this role, you are collaborative and independent individual with experience, responsibility, and a proactive approach. We value curiosity, adaptability, and a commitment to internal collaboration. Embrace change, drive development, and think innovatively. Join us in shaping our dynamic future!

The role will include occasional travelling to suppliers.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 20th of September 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager and the extended team.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Laboratorieingenjör Produktion till Galderma Uppsala

Läs mer Aug 14
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Laboratory Engineer - Production
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (On-site)

Produktionsenheten hos Galderma växer och är under pågående förändring. Vill du vara en del av en grupp som bygger upp en ny produktionslina för kommersiell tillverkning? Då kan du vara den vi söker till rollen som Laboratorieingenjör inom läkemedelsproduktion på Galderma i Uppsala!

Vi söker nu en labingenjör inom produktion för vår biologiska läkemedelstillverkning där du har möjlighet att bidra till framtagande och utveckling av vår aktiva läkemedelssubstans (DS). I denna tjänst är du en del av produktionen och arbetar i renrumsmiljö (klass C).

Nuvarande produktionsgrupp består idag av operatörer, labingenjörer, och processingenjörer, som tillsammans ansvarar för tillverkning samt framtagning, förvaltning och utveckling av produktionsprocesser för läkemedel. Vi är ett sammansvetsat gäng och gruppen har en mycket god gemenskap och värdesätter ett arbetsklimat där alla ska trivas.



Medverka i tillverkningen av vår aktiva läkemedelssubstans i produktionsmiljö.

Ta ansvar för processer, utrustning och biosäkerhet inom ditt ansvarsområde.

Arbeta med ständiga förbättringar i våra tillverkningsprocesser och för biosäkerheten.

Utbilda personal.

Utreda och åtgärda avvikelser och störningar.

Granska batchdokumentation.



Relevant utbildning med inriktning mot kemi, biologi eller motsvarande, alternativt arbetslivserfarenhet inom ämnesområdet.

Dokumenterad erfarenhet från tillverkning av läkemedel(GMP)

Vana att arbeta i renrumklass C

Allmän teknisk kunskap inom kvalitet, tillverkning och GMP

Flytande svenska i tal och skrift

Kunskap kring biosäkerhet och säkerhet är meriterande

Kunskap och erfarenhet av biologiska läkemedel är meriterande

Som person är du tålmodig, noggrann och har ett kvalitetstänk. Du motiveras av utmaningar och förbättringsarbete. Du är lätt lärd, tar ett stort ägarskap och driver aktiviteter med god kvalitet till uppsatta mål. Du har lätt för att samarbeta och kommunicera i tal och skrift. Vidare är du flexibel och tycker att den höga pulsen i produktionen är stimulerande, samtidigt som du trivs bra med rutinarbete.

Tjänsten ingår i produktion och som labingenjör utför du produktionsarbete. I denna tjänst arbetar du inte laborativt med analyser och inte i laboratoriemiljö.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Frågor och ansökan
Vi välkomnar din ansökan via CAREERS | Galderma redan i dag, dock senast den 4 september. Urval och intervjuer sker löpande under ansökningstiden och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.


Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren

Nästa steg är en intervju med anställande chef

Nästa steg är en panelintervju med teamet

Sista steget är en säkerhetsklassning

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Quality System Manager

Civilingenjör, kvalitet, kemiteknik
Läs mer Aug 13
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Quality Systems Manager

Location: Uppsala (possibility of hybrid work, min 3 days office)

Job Description

Galderma Uppsala is looking for a Quality Systems Manager who will keep the Quality System compliant with internal and external requirements and continuously improve it to ensure compliance in all relevant areas of the business.

Key Tasks

* Support the organisation in their work regarding GxP
* Contribute within the QA System group to the overall quality work
* Lead and drive the Quality processes and ensure that all the activities housed in the Uppsala site follow procedures, instructions, regulations, and legislations in the area. Review and approve documents in the quality system
* Monitor and implement regulatory requirements, standards and guidelines into the Galderma quality management system
* Coordinate external inspections; including preparation of audits, leading audits, coordinating responses to observations, closing observations and effectiveness checks
* Internal lead auditor. Plan and perform internal audits including issuing of audit plan, preparation of audits, leading audits, writing reports, evaluation of responses to observations, closing observations and audits
* Contact person for regulatory requirement surveillance for the quality management system, including responsibility for applicable gap analyses and approvals of statement of implementation (SoI)

Skills & Qualifications

* Knowledge of both GMP and ISO systems
* Knowledge in risk management
* Strong team player with the ability to plan and lead work
* Ability to make good ideas happen
* University degree in Pharma, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering or similar
* Professional proficiency in Swedish and English
* Preferably 5-7 years of experience in a similar role with working experience from medical device and/or pharmaceutical industries

What we offer in return

You join a team of 12 friendly, dedicated and experienced colleagues working with Galderma's quality management system, supplier control, internal and external inspection and as QA representatives in projects.

You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics, we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have the whole product chain from research and development to production on-site. Here, our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10-minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 15th of September 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Process Engineer - Production, Assembly and Packaging

Processtekniker, tillverkningsindustri
Läs mer Aug 20
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Process Engineer - Production, Assembly and Packaging

Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on site)

Job description:

You will implement Engineering plans and programs to support the activities related of engineering operation of the organization and manage work across multiple engineering area of Galderma's operations.

You will join our great and growing Packaging, Assembly and Packaging team.

Key responsibilities:

* Implement Engineering plans and programs to support the activities of engineering operation of the organization and manage work across multiple engineering areas of Galderma's operations
* Track the alignment of the Engineering activities to modify and improve existing products/processes and develop test procedures
* Implement and execute Engineering processes and policies for development of new products/processes and plan administer and review the activities involved with engineering operations.
* Analyze technology trends and assist in successful development of the Engineering plans ensuring standards of quality, cost, safety, reliability, timeliness and performance are met.
* Collaborate on Engineering activities to determine engineering feasibility, cost effectiveness, and customer demand for new and existing products
* Participate in field-testing of products, processes, and/or system

Skills & Qualifications

* Master / bachelor's degree in industrial process, engineering, or equivalent experience/qualification
* Minimum of 2 years' experience in production, for machine and process optimization
* Experience in a regulated environment - knowledge of GMP environment would be an advantage
* Professional level in English and Swedish

What we offer in return

You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps

We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as the selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu


Maskinoperatör, läkemedel
Läs mer Aug 20
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.


Location: Uppsala (on-site, skiftgång)

Job Description

Nu har du möjlighet att bli en del av Galdermas tillväxtresa och utvecklas i rollen operatör!

Vi söker nu en ny operatör till vår läkemedelstillverkning där du har möjligheten att vara med från början i uppstarten av en ny produktionslina för vår framtida läkemedelsprodukt.

Nuvarande produktionsgrupp på lina 4 består idag av operatörer, labingenjörer samt process- och kvalitetsingenjörer. Tillsammans är ni ansvariga för tillverkning, förvaltning och utveckling av produktionsprocesser för vår biologiska läkemedelsprodukt. Gruppen har en mycket god gemenskap och värdesätter ett arbetsklimat där alla ska trivas.


Rollen är riktad mot den del av linan som ansvarar för formulering (bulk) och aseptisk fyllning. I din tjänst kommer du att:

* Delta aktivt och ta ansvarar för att tillverkning utförs enligt uppsatta instruktioner och specificerade kvalitetskrav.
* Delta i den dagliga tillverkningsprocessen samt mediafyllningar
* Ta ansvar för processer och utrustning inom ditt ansvarsområde
* Delar med dig av din kunskap till andra för att med stort kundfokus leverera en kvalitetssäkrad produkt till marknaden.


* Avslutad gymnasieutbildning
* Flytande svenska
* Erfarenhet från operatörarbete (meriterande)
* Aseptiskt operatörsarbete är mycket meriterande

Som operatör inom läkemedelsbranschen är det viktigt att du är noggrann och har ett kvalitetstänk, samt att du har god samarbetsförmåga. Du är behjälplig och kan integrera med teamet där ge och ta feedback är en viktig del i det dagliga arbetet. Rollen kräver att du är driven och lugn, samt tar ansvar för ditt arbete. Du är flexibel och uppskattar den höga pulsen produktionen, samtidigt som du trivs bra med rutinarbete.


I tjänsten kommer skiftarbete att ingå.

Vi erbjuder

Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

Vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Hos oss blir du en viktig del av ett globalt och växande företag. Du hittar oss i moderna lokaler utmed vackra Fyrisån, endast 10 minuters cykelväg från Uppsala Centralstation.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 7 september. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en säkerhetsklassning

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu


Maskinoperatör, läkemedel
Läs mer Aug 6
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.


Location: Uppsala (on-site)

Job Description

Nu har du möjlighet att bli en del av Galdermas tillväxtresa och utvecklas i rollen operatör!


* Delta aktivt och ta ansvarar för att tillverkning utförs enligt uppsatta instruktioner och specificerade kvalitetskrav
* Delta i den dagliga tillverkningsprocessen
* Ta ansvar för processer och utrustning inom ditt ansvarsområde
* Delar med dig av din kunskap till andra för att med stort kundfokus leverera en kvalitetssäkrad produkt till marknaden.


* Avslutad gymnasieutbildning
* Flytande svenska
* Erfarenhet från operatörarbete (meriterande)

Som operatör inom läkemedelsbranschen är det viktigt att du är noggrann och har ett kvalitetstänk, samt att du har god samarbetsförmåga. Du är behjälplig och kan integrera med teamet där ge och ta feedback är en viktig del i det dagliga arbetet. Rollen kräver att du är driven och är lugn, samt tar ansvar för ditt arbete. Du är flexibel och uppskattar den höga pulsen produktionen, samtidigt som du trivs bra med rutinarbete.

Vi erbjuder

Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

Vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Hos oss blir du en viktig del av ett globalt och växande företag. Du hittar oss i moderna lokaler utmed vackra Fyrisån, endast 10 minuters cykelväg från Uppsala Centralstation.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Operational Excellence Manager

Civilingenjör, process, kemiteknik
Läs mer Aug 6
Job Title: Operational Excellence Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description
We are seeking an experienced Operational Excellence Manager to join our team! This role is pivotal in implementing Operational Excellence and optimizing manufacturing systems to ensure efficient, safe, and productive operations.

Key Responsibilities

* Support the transformation of our Uppsala site to a mature continuous improvement/problem solving organization e.g., implementing the fundamentals, problem solving,…
* Lead and support critical complex projects and activities across site and ensure value is defined across the end-to-end value stream.
* Accelerate value leverage by using statistical approaches, embed a mindset of data driven decision making in collaboration with business and functional teams.
* Increase capability of our teams through the development and delivery of relevant training, methodologies, coaching and implementing standards.
* Drive ongoing review and definition of transformation through our strategic process; Hoshin Kanri.
* Develop and implement Operational Excellence to enhance plant operations.
* Build strong, cross-functional relationships with key stakeholders and provide technical guidance to managers and employees.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's or Master's degree in a relevant field or equivalent experience.
* Fluent in English is required and Swedish is preferred.
* Background in manufacturing, supply chain and/or engineering environments within a large global organization.
* Pharmaceutical, Automotive or cost oriented company experience is an advantage
* 10 years of relevant experience in operations or operational excellence.
* Lean Six-Sigma Black Belt certification required, Master Black Belt preferred.
* Strong proficiency in statistical analysis tools and project management.
* Demonstrated leadership, coaching, influencing, negotiation, and development skills.

If you are passionate about driving operational excellence and have the expertise to lead significant process improvements, we encourage you to apply for this exciting opportunity.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organization that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Calibration Technician

Kalibreringsingenjör, tillverkningsindustri
Läs mer Aug 6
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Injectable Aesthetics, Dermatological Skincare and Therapeutic Dermatology products; or our commitment to recognizing and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.


Plats: Uppsala, Sverige (på plats)


Vi växer och behöver ytterligare en fantastisk kollega till vår grupp av underhålls- och kalibreringstekniker på Galderma i Uppsala!

Ditt dagliga jobb är att utföra kalibreringsaktiviteter på vår tillverkningsutrustning och våra installationer. Detta arbete utförs och dokumenteras enligt fördefinierade kalibreringsplaner. Kalibreringsaktiviteter utförs i den pågående produktionen såväl som under implementeringen av ny utrustning och är väsentliga för att säkerställa kvaliteten på våra produkter.


* Utföra och dokumentera kalibreringsaktiviteter enligt fördefinierade upphandlingar
* Var proaktiv och konstruktiv i planerings- och samordningsarbetet
* Ge feedback om tillståndet på utrustning och komponent till utrustningsingenjörer


* Erfarenhet inom kalibrering från Life Science, livsmedel, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, flygteknik eller relaterade brancher
* Flytande i svenska och engelska
* Som person har du ett positivt och konstruktivt tankesätt med fokus på ständiga förbättringar och trivs med att samarbeta med olika avdelningar och personer.

Vi erbjuder
Detta är en bra möjlighet att ta del av vår resa att ta underhåll och kalibrering till nästa nivå på Galderma. Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation i tillväxt som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik och här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som till exempel Restylane.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Librobäck i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg

Har vi fått ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 1 september 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden. Intervjuer med anställande chef kommer ske i augusti.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Automation & Systems Engineer

Automationsingenjör, elkraft
Läs mer Jun 26
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Automation & Systems Engineer

Location: Uppsala, Sweden (Onsite)

We are searching for an experienced Automation & Systems Engineer to join our recently established Automation team. The right candidate will have a significant impact on ongoing projects, operations and how our future setup should look like.

Our site is undergoing transformations and major capital investments are currently being executed which will significantly enhance the site's filling, inspection, assembly and packaging capability.

As part of this enhancement, a new Manufacturing Execution System (MES) solution is also implemented.

Key Responsibilities

* Ensure operability and compliance of automation systems
* Represent automation interests and be an active contributor to site CAPEX projects
* Plan and lead automation maintenance and improvements
* Act as technical expert on automation solutions
* Prepare SOPs and other documentation, as required
* Plan, drive and document automation related changes
* Drive and document automation related deviation
* Plan, execute and document verification of automation systems
* Be representative towards suppliers on assigned scope of responsibilities
* Work closely with operations and other internal stakeholders

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience/qualification
* Automation and digitalization experience is required. Preferably from filling/assembly/packaging operations
* Ability to align across the organization and make decisions as required
* Fluent in English and Swedish
* Good knowledge of GAMP and other applicable standards is an advantage
* Previous experience in the medical device or pharmaceutical industries and familiarity with GMP is a plus

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 11th of August. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Laboatory Engineer QC Chemistry

Läs mer Jun 26
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Experienced Laboratory Engineer QC Chemistry
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Job Description
Galderma växer och står inför en spännande resa och nu söker vi en erfaren Laboratorieingenjör till QC Kemi! Har du ett intresse för att arbeta i labb och att driva förändringar? Då är detta rollen för dig!

I tjänsten som Laboratorieingenjör QC Kemi kommer du att arbeta i laboratoriemiljö, utföra kemiska analyser och tillsammans med dina kollegor ta hand om labbet samt utrustning och metoder. Som laboratorieingenjör inom QC kommer du också att driva spännande förbättringar och samarbeta med andra avdelningar inom företaget. Beroende på tidigare erfarenheter kan även handledning av kollegor som teknisk expert inom biokemiska- och kromatografiska analysmetoder ingå i arbetsuppgifterna.


* Utföra och dokumentera kemiska och biokemiska analyser
* Granska analytiska resultat
* Ansvara för instrument och analysmetoder
* Skapa och uppdatera interna instruktioner och dokument


* Naturvetenskaplig högskoleutbildning
* Flera års erfarenheter inom laborativ verksamhet
* Mycket goda kunskaper inom proteinkemi och biokemiska metoder. Gedigen erfarenhet och kunskaper inom kromotografi, är meriterande
* Flytande svenska och engelska
* Erfarenhet av förbättringsarbete

En framgångsrik kandidat behöver ha mod att utmana kända processer och ta initiativ till förbättringar som bidrar till en mer effektiv kvalitetskontroll. Det är också viktigt att agera självständigt i beslutsfattande och informationsinhämtning, ha fokus på kunden och leverera mot uppsatta mål, samt ha ett noggrant och kvalitetsmedvetet arbetssätt med förmågan att planera och prioritera effektivt.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 11 augusti. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en virtuell intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Laboratory Engineer QC Chemistry

Läs mer Jun 26
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Experienced Laboratory Engineer QC Chemistry
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Job Description
Galderma växer och står inför en spännande resa och nu söker vi en erfaren Laboratorieingenjör till QC Kemi! Har du ett intresse för att arbeta i labb och att driva förändringar? Då är detta rollen för dig!

I tjänsten som Laboratorieingenjör QC Kemi kommer du att arbeta i laboratoriemiljö, utföra kemiska analyser och tillsammans med dina kollegor ta hand om labbet samt utrustning och metoder. Som laboratorieingenjör inom QC kommer du också att driva spännande förbättringar och samarbeta med andra avdelningar inom företaget. Beroende på tidigare erfarenheter kan även handledning av kollegor som teknisk expert inom biokemiska- och kromatografiska analysmetoder ingå i arbetsuppgifterna.



Utföra och dokumentera kemiska och biokemiska analyser

Granska analytiska resultat

Ansvara för instrument och analysmetoder

Skapa och uppdatera interna instruktioner och dokument



Naturvetenskaplig högskoleutbildning

Flera års erfarenheter inom laborativ verksamhet

Mycket goda kunskaper inom proteinkemi och biokemiska metoder. Gedigen erfarenhet och kunskaper inom kromotografi, är meriterande

Flytande svenska och engelska

Erfarenhet av förbättringsarbete

En framgångsrik kandidat behöver ha mod att utmana kända processer och ta initiativ till förbättringar som bidrar till en mer effektiv kvalitetskontroll. Det är också viktigt att agera självständigt i beslutsfattande och informationsinhämtning, ha fokus på kunden och leverera mot uppsatta mål, samt ha ett noggrant och kvalitetsmedvetet arbetssätt med förmågan att planera och prioritera effektivt.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 11 augusti. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.


Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.

Nästa steg är en virtuell intervju med anställande chef

Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Calibration Technician

Kalibreringsingenjör, tillverkningsindustri
Läs mer Jun 13
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.


Plats: Uppsala, Sverige (på plats)


Vi växer och behöver ytterligare en fantastisk kollega till vår grupp av underhålls- och kalibreringstekniker på Galderma i Uppsala!

Ditt dagliga jobb är att utföra kalibreringsaktiviteter på vår tillverkningsutrustning och våra installationer. Detta arbete utförs och dokumenteras enligt fördefinierade kalibreringsplaner. Kalibreringsaktiviteter utförs i den pågående produktionen såväl som under implementeringen av ny utrustning och är väsentliga för att säkerställa kvaliteten på våra produkter.


* Utföra och dokumentera kalibreringsaktiviteter enligt fördefinierade upphandlingar
* Var proaktiv och konstruktiv i planerings- och samordningsarbetet
* Ge feedback om tillståndet på utrustning och komponent till utrustningsingenjörer


* Erfarenhet inom kalibrering från Life Science, livsmedel, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, flygteknik eller relaterade brancher
* Flytande i svenska och engelska
* Som person har du ett positivt och konstruktivt tankesätt med fokus på ständiga förbättringar och trivs med att samarbeta med olika avdelningar och personer.

Vi erbjuder
Detta är en bra möjlighet att ta del av vår resa att ta underhåll och kalibrering till nästa nivå på Galderma. Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation i tillväxt som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik och här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som till exempel Restylane.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Librobäck i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg

Har vi fått ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 4 augusti 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden. Intervjuer med anställande chef kommer ske i augusti.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Portfolio and Project Planner

Civilingenjör, kemi
Läs mer Jun 27
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Portfolio and Project Planner
Location: Uppsala, Sweden or Barcelona, Spain (hybrid)

Job Description

Are you a dynamic, forward-thinking individual who thrives on innovation and achieving exceptional results? Galderma is seeking a skilled Portfolio and Project Planner to work with the Injectable Aesthetics (Ax) Project Teams to develop and advance R&D project plans. As a key member of our Portfolio Management Operations team, you will collaborate closely with Ax project managers, leveraging your expertise to facilitate schedule and financial planning for our development projects.

Key Responsibilities

* Collaborate with Project Managers to develop and maintain schedules and financial plans for development projects.
* Support the creation and management of global, integrated cross-functional plans to achieve project objectives.
* Execute R&D Portfolio Management processes and policies, enabling portfolio prioritization, resource allocation, and risk management.
* Coordinate activities with external business partners, contributing to achieving partnership contract deliverables.
* Contribute to the management of R&D Project plans, ensuring timely and cost-effective execution.
* Facilitate resolution of team dynamic issues, fostering team effectiveness.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience in pharmaceutical, life sciences, or related field.
* Minimum of 8 years of experience in R&D project planning or portfolio and project management.
* Minimum of 5 years of experience with pharmaceutical R&D portfolio and project management tools and applications.
* Strong expertise in a Project Management Planning tool, and familiarity with Planisware is required.
* Good understanding of financial and budget planning.
* Good understanding of Medical Device/Drug Development processes.
* Strong interpersonal, negotiation, and relationship management skills.
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
* Fluency in English required, proficiency in Swedish preferred.

If you're ready to make a significant impact in a dynamic R&D environment, apply now to join our team at Galderma. We look forward to welcoming you!

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

Next steps
We welcome your application in English via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. The selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The second step is a virtual panel interview with the extended team
* The final step is a virtual conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Project Planner

Läs mer Jun 19
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Project Planner
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description

We are seeking a dedicated Project Planner to join our team in Uppsala. As a Project Planner, you will be responsible for implementing and supporting program and project management activities, ensuring projects are completed within scope, time, quality, and budget constraints. If you thrive in a dynamic environment and have a track record of managing large and complex projects independently, we want to hear from you.

Key Responsibilities

* Develop and implement comprehensive project plans to achieve objectives within scope, time, quality, and budget constraints.
* Monitor and report on project progress, identifying and mitigating potential risks to ensure successful project delivery.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams and external stakeholders to align project goals and objectives.
* Lead process improvement initiatives and recommend best practices for project management.
* Provide technical guidance and mentorship to junior team members, fostering a collaborative and productive work environment.
* Prepare and present project updates, status reports, and presentations to leadership and key stakeholders.
* Ensure adherence to project management methodologies, policies, and procedures across all projects.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's or Master's degree in a related field, or equivalent experience/qualification.
* Several years of experience in project management, with a focus on large and complex projects.
* Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a broad perspective to identify effective solutions.
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to influence and build strong relationships with stakeholders.
* Proficiency in project management software and tools, with a solid understanding of best practices and methodologies.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 15th of August 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

R&D Device Design Control Lead

Civilingenjör, forskning och utveckling, kemi
Läs mer Maj 28
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: R&D Device Design Control Lead
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description

We are seeking a R&D Device Design Control Lead to join our team in Uppsala. As the R&D Device Design Control Lead, you will play a crucial role in ensuring regulatory compliance, driving consistency, and enhancing the efficiency of medical device development projects. This role will offer you a unique insight working in a cross functional environment where you will focus on implantable devices with brands such as Restylane (injectable dermal filler) and Scupltra (injectable biostimulator).

Key Responsibilities


Implement and maintain the design and development process, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.

Develop and update design control documentation, including Design & Development Plans, Design Input Requirements, Traceability Matrixes such as design verification/validation reports.

Drive continuous improvements in the Galderma design control process, striving for best-in-class efficiency and effectiveness.

Coordinate and facilitate cross-functional team meetings related to design control throughout all stages of development projects.

Collaborate closely with Project Managers, Project Risk Managers, and Chief Design Experts to ensure the successful execution of development projects.

Participate in risk management activities in accordance with ISO 14971, identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks.

Participate as necessary during audits, inspections, or inquiries from regulatory authorities, providing expertise and support.

Skills & Qualifications


Master's or Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences or related discipline.

Several years of experience in device Design Control within the Life Science Industry.

Fluent in English with strong written and verbal communication skills.

Experience with GMP is required.

Proficiency in regulations such as EU MDR 2017/745 and 21 CFR 820.30, as well as ISO 13485 Quality Management System is required.

Desired knowledge in Risk Management ISO 14971/ISO 24971 and Usability IEC 62366 for Medical Devices.

Advantageous to have experience in device development and leading cross-functional teams across various functions such as Pre-Clinical, CMC, Clinical, Manufacturing & Operations, Regulatory, Quality, and Commercial.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organization that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10-minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 1st of September 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.


If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.

The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager

The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Material Scientist

Läs mer Jun 19
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Material Scientist
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description
We are seeking a highly experienced and accomplished Material Scientist with expertise in understanding the properties of process materials to create innovative and sustainable solutions for medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

As a Material Scientist, you will play a crucial role in the development and enhancement of process materials, and you will have the opportunity to impact the future of technology and material solutions.

Key Responsibilities

* Lead efforts to develop and improve materials for enhanced performance and sustainability.
* Utilize advanced techniques for material characterization and analysis.
* Design experiments and test protocols to evaluate material properties.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate new materials into products.
* Identify and resolve material-related issues in manufacturing and applications.
* Document research findings and present them in scientific articles, reports, and conferences.
* Stay updated with the latest developments in material sciences and provide technical leadership.
* Identify and implement process improvements for cost reduction and efficiency gains in manufacturing.

Skills & Qualifications

* Ph.D. or MSc in Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, or a related field with a strong research background and exposure to medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing.
* A minimum of 10 years of relevant experience, preferably within industry or academia.
* Strong analytical skills and the ability to interpret complex data.
* Demonstrated success in enhancing technical competence and driving process improvements.
* Strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and project management experience.
* Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
* Ability to work both independently and as part of a cross-functional team to achieve common goals.
* Attention to detail and comfortable with critical thinking and decision making.

Preferred Qualifications:

* Familiar with regulatory requirements for medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing.
* Active participation in relevant scientific communities and/or publications in related fields.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 5th of July. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Automation Manager

Gruppchef, teknik
Läs mer Maj 31
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Automation Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (On site)

Job Description

Our newly established Automation Department is looking for a skilled leader. Are you an experienced, visionary and ambitious automation manager with a people focus, you may be what we are looking for.

Our site is undergoing transformations and major capital investments are currently being executed which will significantly enhance the site's filling, inspection, assembly and packaging capacities.

As part of this enhancement, a new MES solution is also implemented.

The right person will have a significant impact on ongoing projects, operations and how our future setup should look like.

Key Responsibilities

* Set direction for Automation and Digitalization on the site
* Manage the Automation department with focus on people management
* Manage resources to deliver both on operational tasks and project responsibilities
* Be part of the Engineering leadership team
* Take responsibility for operability and compliance of Automation on the site

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience/qualification
* Leadership experience from similar roles
* Automation/OT and digitalization experience is required. Preferably from filling/assembly/packaging operations
* Ability to align across the organization and make decisions as required
* Fluent in English and Swedish
* Good knowledge of GAMP and other applicable standards is an advantage
* Previous experience in the medical device or pharmaceutical industries and familiarity with GMP is a plus

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As a new Manager at Galderma, you will participate to our Leadership programs and reflect on how you lead yourself and others. You will also join a local network of managers to discuss, exchange perspectives and get support from peers.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though. The selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu


Maskinoperatör, läkemedel
Läs mer Maj 29
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.


Location: Uppsala (on-site)

Job Description

Nu har du möjlighet att bli en del av Galdermas tillväxtresa och utvecklas i rollen operatör!


* Delta aktivt och ta ansvarar för att tillverkning utförs enligt uppsatta instruktioner och specificerade kvalitetskrav
* Delta i den dagliga tillverkningsprocessen
* Ta ansvar för processer och utrustning inom ditt ansvarsområde
* Delar med dig av din kunskap till andra för att med stort kundfokus leverera en kvalitetssäkrad produkt till marknaden.


* Avslutad gymnasieutbildning
* Flytande svenska
* Erfarenhet från operatörarbete (meriterande)
* Det är meriterande om du har ett tekniskt intresse

Som operatör inom läkemedelsbranschen är det viktigt att du är noggrann och har ett kvalitetstänk, samt att du har god samarbetsförmåga. Du är behjälplig och kan integrera med teamet där ge och ta feedback är en viktig del i det dagliga arbetet. Rollen kräver att du är driven och är lugn, samt tar ansvar för ditt arbete. Du är flexibel och uppskattar den höga pulsen produktionen, samtidigt som du trivs bra med rutinarbete.

Vi erbjuder

Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

Vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Hos oss blir du en viktig del av ett globalt och växande företag. Du hittar oss i moderna lokaler utmed vackra Fyrisån, endast 10 minuters cykelväg från Uppsala Centralstation.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu


Serviceingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Maj 20
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.


Plats: Uppsala, Sverige (på plats)


Vi växer och behöver ytterligare en fantastisk kollega till vår grupp av underhålls- och kalibreringstekniker på Galderma i Uppsala!

Ditt dagliga jobb är att utföra förebyggande underhåll på vår tillverkningsutrustning och installationer samt avhjälpande underhåll vid behov. Detta arbete utförs och dokumenteras enligt fördefinierade underhållsplaner som utarbetas och kontinuerligt optimeras i samarbete med utrustningsingenjörerna.


* Utföra och dokumentera förebyggande underhållsarbete samt tillfälligt korrigerande underhållsarbete
* Delta i tvärfunktionella fokuserade arbetsgrupper
* Vara proaktiv och konstruktiv i planerings- och samordningsarbetet
* Ge återkoppling på utrustning och komponentstatus till utrustningsingenjörer
* Delta i beredskapsarbete på rotationsbasis


* Flera års erfarenhet inom planerat underhållsarbete från Life Science, livsmedel, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, flygteknik eller relaterade branscher
* Erfarenhet av att stödja höga OEE-nivåer för utrustning
* Flytande i svenska och engelska
* Kalibreringserfarenhet är ett plus
* Som person har du ett positivt och konstruktivt tankesätt med fokus på ständiga förbättringar och trivs med att samarbeta med olika avdelningar och personer.

Vi erbjuder

Detta är en fantastisk möjlighet att vara en del av vår resa för att ta underhåll till nästa nivå. Du kommer att arbeta för en växande organisation som omfamnar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att återspegla perspektiven hos vår mångsidiga kundbas.

Uppsala är hem till Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik Här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som t.ex Restylane.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi finns längs Fyrisån i Uppsala, 12 minuter med cykel från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg

Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Ansök nu" redan idag, dock senast den 20 juni 2024. Urval och intervjuer sker löpande under ansökningstiden och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

Våra medarbetare gör skillnad

På Galderma kommer du att arbeta med människor som är som du. Och människor som är annorlunda. Vi värdesätter vad varje medlem i vårt team bidrar med. Professionalism, samarbete och en vänlig, stödjande etos är den perfekta miljön för människor att trivas och utmärka sig i vad de gör.

Ansök nu

Regulatory Affairs Manager

Biomedicinsk analytiker/BMA
Läs mer Maj 13
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Regulatory Affairs Manager

Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

The Regulatory Affairs Department at Galderma Uppsala is responsible for all Regulatory aspects of Galderma's aesthetic business at Global level. This includes new product registrations, line extensions and Life Cycle Management of the portfolio of products for both Pharmaceuticals and Medical Device. We manage a broad portfolio of products across almost 90 markets and are expanding our scope with several new innovation projects in our pipeline.

We are now expanding our Medical Device Regulatory Team in Uppsala and looking for a Regulatory Affairs Manager to take on a roll within the team.

About the role
As Regulatory Affairs Manager you will represent Regulatory Affairs in development and life cycle management projects for Medical Devices. You will be responsible for the regulatory strategy, co-ordination and compilation of the dossier. The role also includes managing Life Cycle Management activities including variations, renewals, labelling changes etc.

Your responsibilities would include:

* Provide regulatory expert advice in project and line related activities
* Compile overall regulatory strategy within projects for new products and line extensions
* Regulatory strategy in connection to labeling and other changes
* File and obtain marketing applications worldwide
* License maintenance activities
* Filing of clinical trial applications to authorities
* Coordinate compilation of new and updated labeling material
* Compile, review and approve documentation for regulatory purposes
* Remain updated on current regulatory requirements
* Contacts with regulatory bodies, affiliates, partners, consultants and distributors
* Tracking of regulatory status and plans within respective product responsibility
* Participate in authority meetings
* Review and approve Sales Promotion material

Skills & Qualifications

* You hold a university degree in a life science area such as Pharmaceutical Science or similar.
* Experience of Regulatory Affairs within the Pharmaceutical or Medical Device industry, or from an Authority (Health authority, Notified Body or similar) perspective is a merit.
* You have experience of compiling and reviewing documents/reports according to Global regulatory guidelines.
* You are open-minded and willing to adapt to changes and enjoy working with others in a collaborative way, also across several cultures
* You are self-driven, flexible, methodical, with the ability to structure work and manage multiple requests while maintaining timelines
* You possess good communication skills and fluency in Swedish and English, both verbal and written. Strong writing, reading and reviewing skills are necessary.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 9th of June. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

R&D Device Design Control Lead

Civilingenjör, forskning och utveckling, kemi
Läs mer Maj 8
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: R&D Device Design Control Lead
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description

We are seeking a R&D Device Design Control Lead to join our team in Uppsala. As the R&D Device Design Control Lead, you will play a crucial role in ensuring regulatory compliance, driving consistency, and enhancing the efficiency of medical device development projects. This role will offer you a unique insight working in a cross functional environment.

Key Responsibilities

* Implement and maintain the design and development process, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
* Develop and update design control documentation, including Design & Development Plans, Design Input Requirements, Traceability Matrixes such as design verification/validation reports.
* Drive continuous improvements in the Galderma design control process, striving for best-in-class efficiency and effectiveness.
* Coordinate and facilitate cross-functional team meetings related to design control throughout all stages of development projects.
* Collaborate closely with Project Managers, Project Risk Managers, and Chief Design Experts to ensure the successful execution of development projects.
* Participate in risk management activities in accordance with ISO 14971, identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks.
* Participate as necessary during audits, inspections, or inquiries from regulatory authorities, providing expertise and support.

Skills & Qualifications

* Master's or Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences or related discipline.
* Several years of experience in device Design Control within the Life Science Industry.
* Fluent in English with strong written and verbal communication skills.
* Experience with GMP is required.
* Proficiency in regulations such as EU MDR 2017/745 and 21 CFR 820.30, as well as ISO 13485 Quality Management System is required.
* Desired knowledge in Risk Management ISO 14971/ISO 24971 and Usability IEC 62366 for Medical Devices.
* Advantageous to have experience in device development and leading cross-functional teams across various functions such as Pre-Clinical, CMC, Clinical, Manufacturing & Operations, Regulatory, Quality, and Commercial.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organization that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10-minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 2nd of June 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Portfolio and Project Planner

Civilingenjör, forskning och utveckling, kemi
Läs mer Maj 7
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Portfolio and Project Planner
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description

Are you a dynamic, forward-thinking individual who thrives on innovation and achieving exceptional results? Galderma is seeking a skilled Portfolio and Project Planner to work with the Injectable Aesthetics (Ax) Project Teams to develop and advance R&D project plans. As a key member of our Portfolio Management Operations team, you will collaborate closely with Ax project managers, leveraging your expertise to facilitate schedule and financial planning for our development projects.

Key Responsibilities

* Collaborate with Project Managers to develop and maintain schedules and financial plans for development projects.
* Support the creation and management of global, integrated cross-functional plans to achieve project objectives.
* Execute R&D Portfolio Management processes and policies, enabling portfolio prioritization, resource allocation, and risk management.
* Coordinate activities with external business partners, contributing to achieving partnership contract deliverables.
* Contribute to the management of R&D Project plans, ensuring timely and cost-effective execution.
* Facilitate resolution of team dynamic issues, fostering team effectiveness.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience in pharmaceutical, life sciences, or related field.
* Minimum of 8 years of experience in R&D project planning or portfolio and project management.
* Minimum of 5 years of experience with pharmaceutical R&D portfolio and project management tools and applications.
* Strong expertise in a Project Management Planning tool, and familiarity with Planisware is required.
* Good understanding of financial and budget planning.
* Good understanding of Medical Device/Drug Development processes.
* Strong interpersonal, negotiation, and relationship management skills.
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
* Fluency in English required, proficiency in Swedish preferred.

If you're ready to make a significant impact in a dynamic R&D environment, apply now to join our team at Galderma. We look forward to welcoming you!

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application in English via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 31st of May. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The second step is a virtual panel interview with the extended team
* The final step is a virtual conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Operator - Fyllningen

Maskinoperatör, läkemedel
Läs mer Apr 11
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Operatör - Fyllningen

Location: Uppsala (on-site, skiftgång)

Job Description

Nu har du möjlighet att bli en del av Galdermas tillväxtresa och utvecklas i rollen operatör!

Vi söker nu en ny operatör till vår läkemedelstillverkning där du har möjligheten att vara med från början i uppstarten av en ny produktionslina för vår framtida läkemedelsprodukt.

Nuvarande produktionsgrupp på lina 4 består idag av operatörer, labingenjörer samt process- och kvalitetsingenjörer. Tillsammans är ni ansvariga för tillverkning, förvaltning och utveckling av produktionsprocesser för vår biologiska läkemedelsprodukt. Gruppen har en mycket god gemenskap och värdesätter ett arbetsklimat där alla ska trivas.


Rollen är riktad mot den del av linan som ansvarar för formulering (bulk) och aseptisk fyllning. I din tjänst kommer du att:

* Delta aktivt och ta ansvarar för att tillverkning utförs enligt uppsatta instruktioner och specificerade kvalitetskrav.
* Delta i den dagliga tillverkningsprocessen samt mediafyllningar
* Ta ansvar för processer och utrustning inom ditt ansvarsområde
* Delar med dig av din kunskap till andra för att med stort kundfokus leverera en kvalitetssäkrad produkt till marknaden.


* Avslutad gymnasieutbildning
* Flytande svenska och behärskar engelska
* Erfarenhet från operatörarbete (meriterande)
* Aseptiskt operatörsarbete är mycket meriterande

Som operatör inom läkemedelsbranschen är det viktigt att du är noggrann och har ett kvalitetstänk, samt att du har god samarbetsförmåga. Du är behjälplig och kan integrera med teamet där ge och ta feedback är en viktig del i det dagliga arbetet. Rollen kräver att du är driven och lugn, samt tar ansvar för ditt arbete. Du är flexibel och uppskattar den höga pulsen produktionen, samtidigt som du trivs bra med rutinarbete.


I tjänsten kommer skiftarbete att ingå.

Vi erbjuder

Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

Vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Hos oss blir du en viktig del av ett globalt och växande företag. Du hittar oss i moderna lokaler utmed vackra Fyrisån, endast 10 minuters cykelväg från Uppsala Centralstation.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en säkerhetsklassning

Our people make a difference
At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Quality Systems Manager

Kvalitetsingenjör, kemiteknik/Kvalitetstekniker, kemiteknik
Läs mer Apr 3
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams

reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Quality Systems Manager

Location: Uppsala (possibility of hybrid work, min 3 days office)

Job Description

Galderma Uppsala is looking for a Quality Systems Manager who will keep the Quality System compliant with internal and external requirements and continuously improve it to ensure compliance in all relevant areas of the business.

Key Tasks

* Support the organisation in their work regarding GxP
* Contribute within the QA System group to the overall quality work
* Lead and drive the Quality processes and ensure that all the activities housed in the Uppsala site follow procedures, instructions, regulations, and legislations in the area. Review and approve documents in the quality system
* Monitor and implement regulatory requirements, standards and guidelines into the Galderma quality management system
* Coordinate external inspections; including preparation of audits, leading audits, coordinating responses to observations, closing observations and effectiveness checks
* Internal lead auditor. Plan and perform internal audits including issuing of audit plan, preparation of audits, leading audits, writing reports, evaluation of responses to observations, closing observations and audits
* Contact person for regulatory requirement surveillance for the quality management system, including responsibility for applicable gap analyses and approvals of statement of implementation (SoI)

Skills & Qualifications

* Knowledge of both GMP and ISO systems
* Knowledge in risk management
* Strong team player with the ability to plan and lead work
* Ability to make good ideas happen
* University degree in Pharma, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering or similar
* Professional proficiency in Swedish and English
* Preferably 5-7 years of experience in a similar role with working experience from medical device and/or pharmaceutical industries

What we offer in return

You join a team of 12 friendly, dedicated and experienced colleagues working with Galderma's quality management system, supplier control, internal and external inspection and as QA representatives in projects.

You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics, we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have the whole product chain from research and development to production on-site. Here, our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10-minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Human Resource Business Partner

Läs mer Mar 12
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Human Resource Strategic Business Partner
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description

Step into a transformative role as a Strategic HR Business Partner, driving cutting-edge HR plans and support. Pivotal in organizational transformation, aligning seamlessly with our dynamic business strategy. Lead complex projects independently, fostering cross-functional relationships, and influencing positive change for people and the overall business. Join our team in Uppsala, where you'll spearhead HR transformation at the forefront of Galderma's growth. Elevate your career, making a global impact in a dynamic corporate environment!

Key Responsibilities

* Implement HR Management and strategic Business Partner plans to provide continuous HR support across the business.
* Pilot HR activities to support business goals while influencing the employee lifecycle.
* Drive transformation change in HR practices to enhance the capability of individuals and business impact at all organizational levels.
* Build strong, trusting cross-functional relationships with stakeholders.
* Contribute to the development and administration of HR processes, ensuring alignment with business strategy.

Skills & Qualifications

* University Degree, or equivalent experience/qualification.
* Several years of strategic HR experience in a similar role.
* Fluent in English and Swedish.
* Effective communication skills.

We value candidates with a strategic mindset, hands-on approach, leadership qualities, and a track record in HR transformations. Alignment with our organizational culture and objectives is crucial.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

At Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics in Uppsala, we offer a unique edge as we have on our site the end to end product chain from research and development to manufacturing and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We offer the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application in English via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. The selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager.
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Senior Bioprocess Design Engineer

Biomedicinsk analytiker/BMA
Läs mer Mar 11
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Senior Bioprocess Design Engineer
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description

Are you ready to take the next step in your career as a subject matter expert in bioprocess design? Join Our Team as a Senior Bioprocess Design Engineer!

The Bioprocess Design Engineer will join a small and dedicated team of 6 people, which is responsible for the development and maintenance of manufacturing processes for both DS and DP for a new protein based innovative aesthetic product that is in late stage of development. The work will include DS characterization studies as well as DP scale up activities with both practical laboratory work as well as quality documentation. The work involves a lot of internal collaboration in a matrix organization.

Key Responsibilities

* Plan, conduct and present results of technical experiments and laboratory trials for the development of drug substance and product processes as well as for drug product formulations.
* Coordinate and direct process development and engineering activities or act as sub project manager for projects within relevant discipline.
* Develop quality documentation for biological drug manufacturing processes.
* Collaborate within a matrix organization to ensure seamless project execution.
* Lead and drive R&D work within sub-teams and providing expert guidance.
* Connect with specialist departments and external service providers, influencing acceptance of new concepts and approaches.

Skills & Qualifications

* Master's degree, PhD, or equivalent experience/qualification.
* 5-10 years of relevant experience in bioprocess design and development. Experience from the industry is meritorious.
* Experience with protein purification, fermentation and chromatography is an advantage.
* Proven track record of managing complex projects with limited supervision.
* Strong understanding of global chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) activities.
* Excellent communication and presentation skills, with the ability to influence stakeholders.
* Experience in developing design briefs for new product ideas.
* English on a professional level. Swedish is a strong meriting factor.

If you are passionate about pushing the boundaries of bioprocess design and driving innovation in drug manufacturing, we want to hear from you. Join us in shaping the future of aesthetic products through cutting-edge biotechnology. Apply now to be part of our dedicated team!

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 4th of April 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Sterilization Microbiologist - Sterility Assurance

Läs mer Mar 13
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Sterilization Microbiologist - Sterility Assurance

Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description

We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated Sterilization Microbiologist to join our Sterility Assurance team. The successful candidate will play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and safety of our sterilization processes. As a Sterilization Microbiologist, you will be responsible for designing, implementing, and validating sterilization methods, as well as monitoring and analyzing microbiological indicators to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.

You will be a part of Galderma Operations and you will play a key role in implementing industrialization plans and programs, contributing to the success of new product introduction (NPI) projects from prototyping to final production. This position allows you to manage advanced technical challenges and drive transformation, making a significant impact on the organization.

Key Responsibilities

* Develop and validate sterilization processes for medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
* Analyze microbiological data and trends to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
* Collaborate with cross-functional teams to troubleshoot sterilization-related issues and implement corrective and preventive actions.
* Stay current with industry trends, regulatory changes, and advances in sterilization technology to continuously improve processes and procedures.
* Participate in internal and external audits and inspections, providing expertise on sterilization-related matters.
* Write documents (SOPs) and technical reports for regulatory use.
* Be the subject matter expert during evaluation of suppliers.
* Be up to date on innovations in the field of expertise and be the natural source of knowledge for the organization, acting as both technical expert and mentor when needed.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's, Master's, or Ph.D. degree in Microbiology/Biology/related field, or equivalent experience/qualification
* 3-8+ years of experience in a similar field.
* Strong understanding of sterilization principles, microbiological testing methods, and regulatory requirements (e.g., FDA, ISO).
* Practical experience in sterilization methods specifically applied to aseptic manufacturing processes, including autoclaves.
* Proficient in microbiological lab practices
* Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to interpret complex microbiological data and draw actionable conclusions.
* Effective communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work cross-functionally and interface with internal teams and external stakeholders.
* Detail-oriented mindset with a commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and compliance.
* Experience with sterilization validation protocols, including bioburden determination, sterility testing, and microbial challenge testing is a plus.
* Experienced from working in GMP/regulated environment.
* Swedish and English on a professional level

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organization that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 500 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in a dynamic and collaborative work environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. If you are currently an employee of Galderma, we welcome your application via our internal career site via Workday. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 7th of April 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Electrical Safety Officer / Elsäkerhetsansvarig

Läs mer Mar 13
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Electrical Safety Officer / Elsäkerhetsansvarig
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)


Ta nästa steg i din karriär och börja hos Galderma som Electrical Safety Officer!

Du kommer tillhöra Fastighetsavdelningen och arbeta som elsäkerhetsansvarig, där du kommer att spela en avgörande roll för att säkerställa en effektiv och säker drift av våra fastigheter.

I rollen kommer du vara ansvarig för elsäkerhet och upprätthålla efterlevnad av svensk standard, hantera elinstallationer, utföra felsökning och lösa problem. Du kommer att samarbeta i tvärfunktionella team, medverka i projekt, samt kontinuerligt driva eget förbättringsarbete.


* Ditt primära fokus kommer att ligga på drift och förvaltning av Galderma Uppsalas fastighetsbestånd med tonvikt på elförsörjning och elsäkerhet.
* Som delegerad elsäkerhetsansvarig kommer du att säkerställa att företaget följer elsäkerhetskraven.
* Ansvaret inkluderar att utföra kontroller av elektriska installationer, delta i inspektioner och utföra förebyggande och avhjälpande underhåll av elektriska system.
* Självständigt driva egna aktiviteter och/eller samarbeta med andra avdelningar och projekt.
* Säkerställa efterlevnad av ATEX-direktivet.
* Samordna, informera och vid behov leda externa leverantörer som arbetar med elsystem.
* Hålla ritningar, dokumentation och administration relaterad till din roll uppdaterad.


* Auktoriserad Elinstallatör-Lågspänning (AL)
* Några års erfarenhet av arbete med elkraft, elsäkerhet och industristandarder.
* Kunskap och medvetenhet om lagkrav relaterade till elsäkerhet.
* Kunskaper om SS-EN50110
* Behärskar svenska och engelska flytande.
* Körkort (B)
* Datorvana

I denna position är dina mjuka färdigheter avgörande. Din förmåga att förstå andra säkerställer att du tar ett personligt tillvägagångssätt, medan ditt driv ser till att uppgifter blir avslutade. Du kommunicerar och samarbetar smidigt, oavsett om det är med kollegor eller externa partners. Genom innovativt tänkande drivs processer framåt och resultat förbättras kontinuerligt. Om du är passionerad för elsäkerhet, efterlevnad och ständiga förbättringar, bör du söka denna spännande roll på Galderma Uppsala.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 600 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 25 mars 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

PMO Project Manager

Projekteringsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Feb 22
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: PMO Project Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on site)

Job description:
Join Galderma and unlock your potential as a PMO Project Manager! You will be working with our projects pre-studies, playing a pivotal role in our projects within investments, capital, building initiatives, and process equipment. Your responsibilities will include overseeing pre-studies, managing budgets, defining timelines, scoping, and identifying necessary resources.

You will join the great and growing PMO & Project Support team.

Key responsibilities:

* Lead and perform pre-study for investment projects to support Galderma's operations
* Track the alignment of the Engineering activities to modify and improve existing products/processes and develop test procedures
* Implement and execute Engineering processes and policies for development of new products/processes and plan administer and review the activities involved with engineering operations.
* Analyze technology trends and assist in successful development of the Engineering plans ensuring standards of quality, cost, safety, reliability, timeliness and performance are met.
* Collaborate on Engineering activities to determine engineering feasibility, cost effectiveness, and customer demand for new and existing products
* Collaborate with Program & Project Management and project steering committee to secure a professional end to end planning for new operation projects

Skills & Qualifications

* Master / bachelor's degree in engineering or equivalent experience/qualification
* 8 years of experience in a project management from a regulated environment.
* Experience in budget management
* Fluent English - intermediary level in Swedish

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as the selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference
At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Project Manager

Civilingenjör, process, kemiteknik
Läs mer Feb 19
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Project Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description
The Galderma growth journey continues, and we are now strengthening the Project Engineering team with a Project Manager.

In this role you will drive industrialization projects and together with the project team transfer new processes and technologies to the Production organization.

Key Responsibilities

Secure the success of the project(s) by leading teams according to project model and industry standards, i.e., taking for example GMP, regulatory and customer requirements into account. More specifically you will:

* Establish and manage efficient project teams on an operative level.
* Be accountable for project deliverables and budget.
* Be responsible for developing and communicating project strategies.
* Drive risk management activities and follow-up on mitigations and contingency plans.
* Manage internal/external stakeholder reporting.

Skills & Qualifications

* Academic education within Chemical/Mechanical Engineer, or similar.
* Experience from project management positions, preferably with documented training in project management is meriting.
* Several years of experience in process/industrial development in a medical device or pharmaceutical industry setting is required.
* Experience from working globally is meriting.

You thrive driving and coordinating projects that enable your team to succeed. Collaboration is central in your leadership, and it gives you the energy to be in a changing environment.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 10th of March 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Process Engineer - Cleanroom & Utilities

Processingenjör, kemiteknik
Läs mer Feb 22
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Process Engineer - Cleanroom & Utilities
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (On site)

Job Description

Are you ready to make a significant impact in the field of Engineering? Our team Cleanroom & Utilities is seeking a skilled individual to contribute to our dynamic engineering operations as a Process Engineer. In this role, you will work both in projects with e.g. new equipment, and closely with maintenance engineers and technicians within the group Cleanroom & Utilities.

As a Process Engineer, you will play a crucial role in executing plans, driving improvements, and collaborating across multiple areas. You will act as a technical expert in projects within your area of expertise and be a project resource in our programs. You will Drive commissioning, qualifications, and verifications (CQV), deviations, CAPA, and CC within the area of expertise.

Key Responsibilities

* Implement and manage engineering plans and programs for Galderma's operations.
* Track alignment of engineering activities to modify and enhance existing products/processes.
* Execute engineering processes and policies for the development of new products/processes.
* Analyze technology trends and ensure successful deployment of engineering plans.
* Collaborate on activities to determine engineering feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and customer demand.
* Participate in field-testing of products, processes, and/or systems.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience/qualification
* Some years of experience in engineering roles
* Fluent in English and Swedish
* Experience in design, construction, CQV, and maintenance of utilities/HVAC and cleanrooms is meritorious.
* Previous experience in the medical device or pharmaceutical industries and familiarity with GMP is a plus.

Join us in shaping the future of Galderma's engineering landscape. Be an integral part of a team that values innovation, collaboration, and excellence. Apply now to embark on a rewarding career journey with us!

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure, and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 10th of March 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior to the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu


Maskinoperatör, läkemedel
Läs mer Feb 20
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.


Location: Uppsala (on-site)

Job Description

Nu har du möjlighet att bli en del av Galdermas tillväxtresa och utvecklas i rollen operatör!


* Delta aktivt och ta ansvarar för att tillverkning utförs enligt uppsatta instruktioner och specificerade kvalitetskrav
* Delta i den dagliga tillverkningsprocessen
* Ta ansvar för processer och utrustning inom ditt ansvarsområde
* Delar med dig av din kunskap till andra för att med stort kundfokus leverera en kvalitetssäkrad produkt till marknaden.


* Avslutad gymnasieutbildning
* Flytande svenska
* Erfarenhet från operatörarbete (meriterande)

Som operatör inom läkemedelsbranschen är det viktigt att du är noggrann och har ett kvalitetstänk, samt att du har god samarbetsförmåga. Du är behjälplig och kan integrera med teamet där ge och ta feedback är en viktig del i det dagliga arbetet. Rollen kräver att du är driven och är lugn, samt tar ansvar för ditt arbete. Du är flexibel och uppskattar den höga pulsen produktionen, samtidigt som du trivs bra med rutinarbete.

Vi erbjuder

Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

Vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Hos oss blir du en viktig del av ett globalt och växande företag. Du hittar oss i moderna lokaler utmed vackra Fyrisån, endast 10 minuters cykelväg från Uppsala Centralstation.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Analytical Chemist

Analytisk kemist
Läs mer Jan 19
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Analytical Chemist
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Job Description
Tycker du om proteinanalyser, utvecklingsarbete och problemlösning? Vill du vara en del av en verksamhet som bidrar till människors hälsa och välmående? Då kan detta vara en roll för dig! Vi söker just nu en analytisk kemist till gruppen Bioprocess Analytical Development på Galderma. Du får här möjlighet att ingå i en härlig engagerad grupp, och vara en viktig del av spännande utvecklingsprojekt för att ta fram proteinbaserade läkemedel.

Som analytisk kemist inom Bioprocess Analytical Development utvecklar du nya analysmetoder, och analyserar och karaktäriserar proteinbaserade läkemedel. Du får en varierande tjänst med laborativt arbete och administrativa uppgifter!


* Planera, utföra och rapportera utvecklingsförsök
* Koordinera och utföra proteinanalyser, både enligt GMP och för utveckling
* Driva och delta vid metodvalideringar
* Skriva och uppdatera instruktioner och dokument
* Delta vid upprättande av regulatorisk dokumentation till myndighet
* Ansvara för instrument, utföra underhåll och kalibreringar samt delta vid instrumentinköp och instrumentkvalificeringar
* Tillhandahålla analytisk support som teknisk expert.


* Universitetsutbildning inom biokemi, analytisk kemi, bioteknologi eller biomedicin
* Praktisk erfarenhet av laborativt arbete
* Behärskar svenska och engelska

Praktisk erfarenhet av utvecklingsarbete inom läkemedels- eller medicinteknisk industri är meriterande, liksom erfarenhet av arbete enligt GMP. Erfarenhet av analyser av proteinbaserat läkemedel är starkt meriterande. Som person är du öppen nyfiken och flexibel. Du har en bra initiativförmåga och kan arbeta prestigelöst med dina kollegor, och du levererar mot uppsatta mål och tidslinjer. Då arbetet innebär många kontakter, både internt och externt, krävs en god kommunikativ förmåga, såväl på svenska som på engelska, och en god samarbetsförmåga. Du behöver också kunna planera, prioritera, och arbeta på ett strukturerat och effektivt sätt då vi i projektet behöver hantera flera arbetsuppgifter samtidigt.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 11 februari 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Laboratory Engineer in Cell-Based Assay Development

Laborant, biologi
Läs mer Jan 4
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Laboratory Engineer in Cell-Based Assay Development

Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on site)

Job description:


Perform analyses, cell cultivation work and laboratory tasks in the cell-based assay (CBA) group.

Analyze and document analyses for method development and validation, R&D purposes and release/GMP samples, perform tasks for regular maintenance of the laboratory, and improve, secure and maintain the GMP-status within the laboratory.

Contribute with competence in project groups, with documents for registrations and in investigations requiring analytical testing.

Key responsibilities:


Perform analytical testing according to given instructions.

Perform and document analyses according to given instructions and in accordance with applicable standards (GMP). Participate in method development, optimization and validation work, in consultation with senior staff or manager.

Support maintenance of the laboratory, including purchase of materials, maintenance and purchase of instruments and equipment.

Write, update and review documents, SOPs and technical reports.

Be responsible for specified equipment in the Cell based assay group and related maintenance and calibration activities.

Skills & Qualifications


Bachelor's Degree in Bioscience area or equivalent experience/qualification

Minimum of 2 years' experience with analytical testing procedures

Ideally, experience with cell culture, protein analyses and/or antibody work

Experience in a GLP/GMP environment

Professional level in Swedish and English

What we offer in return

You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps

We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as the selection process is ongoing.


If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.

The next step is an interview with the hiring manager

The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference
At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

R&D Project Manager

Civilingenjör, forskning och utveckling, kemi
Läs mer Jan 4
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: R&D Project Manager

Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on site)

Job description:

We are now hiring a Project Manager for R&D at Galderma Aesthetics Business Unit. In this role, you will get a unique insight in Galderma's operations and R&D pipeline innovation, managing the project end-to-end from early development, late development, to filing and launch!

The Project Manager will lead project management for complex medical device or drug development programs, overseeing operational efforts internally and externally to ensure project team success. The role involves cross-functional collaboration, resourcing, risk identification and mitigation, and providing status updates to achieve key strategic objectives and deliver breakthrough therapies to patients.

Key responsibilities:


Work closely with Program Leader/s in managing development program(s)

Oversee and manage coordination and facilitation of cross-functional team meetings

Lead Design Control process to ensure devices meet user needs and requirements

Develop and manage global, integrated cross-functional plans

Execute R&D Project/Portfolio Management processes and policies to enable R&D portfolio prioritization, resource allocation, and risk management

Coordinate activities with external business partners

Contribute to team effectiveness and resolve team dynamic issues

Skills & Qualifications


Master's or Bachelors' degree in Life Sciences, Business, or related field is required

Several years' experience in Project Management

Experience within the Life Science industry

Medical Device/ Drug Development knowledge with a good understanding of other functions relevant to the position which may include : Research/ Pre-Clinical, Clinical, Manufacturing & Operations, Commercial, and Regulatory

Experience and knowledge in GMP, Quality Management System and Design Control for Medical Device ISO 13485 is required

Knowledge in Risk Management ISO 14971/ ISO 24971 and Usability IEC 62366 for Medical Devices is desired

Experience with NDA/BLA/MAA filings a strong advantage

Hands-on expertise with project management tools and PMP certification desirable

Fluent in English

What we offer in return

You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as the selection process is ongoing.


If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.

The next step is an interview with the hiring manager

The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference
At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Pharmacovigilance Associate - Data Surveillance

Civilingenjör, kvalitet, kemiteknik
Läs mer Jan 4
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Pharmacovigilance Associate - Data Surveillance

Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on site)

Job description:
You will implement Pharmacovigilance plans, processes and policies related to the collection, assessment and prevention of adverse effects following the use of our marketed or development products and ensuring the quality of PV activities in R&D and Operations projects in accordance with GxP, local and international regulations and guidelines.

Key responsibilities:


Reconcile and process high-quality product safety data and analysis to internal and external stakeholders throughout the product life cycle.

Implement adverse event management processes and databases.

Implement and execute pharmacovigilance programs and policies with rapid identification and analysis of safety signals to define emerging product safety profiles of all product types and drive patient risk management.

Align and implement Pharmacovigilance plans and activities to provide integrated strategic safety expertise and safety deliverables to clinical development programs.

Prepare department quality documents and participate in quality audits and inspections

Skills & Qualifications


Master's or Bachelors' degree in Life Sciences or equivalent

Minimum of 2 years' experience in Pharmacovigilance

Good knowledge of ICSR management and of AE and coding conventions (MedDRA, WHO-DD) from the pharmaceutical/medical device industry.

Some knowledge of international PV regulations, standards and principles for drugs, cosmetics and/or medical devices.

Fluent in English written and oral.

What we offer in return

You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 600 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as the selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference
At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Quality Assurance Manager

Kvalitetsingenjör, kemiteknik/Kvalitetstekniker, kemiteknik
Läs mer Jan 3
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact

QA Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sverige (onsite)

Job Description

Vill du vara en del i ett positivt och socialt team med fokus på kvalitetssäkring? Är du intresserad av att jobba på ett växande bolag med spännande produkter? Då har du chansen nu! Vi söker en QA manager till vår kvalitetsavdelning på Galderma i Uppsala.

Som QA manager i gruppen QA Product Quality kommer du vara del i ett team om totalt 15 personer, med ansvar för bland annat batchrelease, tekniska reklamationer, granskning av dokument och NC/CAPA/CC. Vi är också rådgivande för olika kvalitetsfrågor inom Galderma.


* QA granska och stänga tekniska reklamationsutredningar
* Granskning av kvalitetsdokument
* QA för avvikelser, CAPA och Effektuppföljning
* Förbättringsarbete
* Kvalitetsvärdering av batchdokumentation inklusive release


* Högskoleutbildning inom kemi/biologi/farmaci eller motsvarande.
* Erfarenhet av tillverkning, kvalitetskontroll och/eller utveckling av medicintekniska produkter eller läkemedel.
* Erfarenhet av QA-arbete är meriterande
* Du behärskar svenska och engelska i tal och skrift
* Goda kunskaper i Microsoft Excel

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 31 januari 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en virtuell intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

QA Supplier Control Manager

Kvalitetsingenjör, kemiteknik/Kvalitetstekniker, kemiteknik
Läs mer Jan 8
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: QA Supplier Control Manager
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description
Join Galderma as QA Supplier Control Manager in our supplier control team, where you will have a unique opportunity to work with our suppliers, have an impact on Galderma's QA work and grow in your career!

Key Responsibilities

* Manage supplier control and supplier management.
* Plan and perform quality audits of suppliers, service providers and contract manufacturers.
* Analyse audit data and identify deviations from GMP/GDP and follow up on audit observations.
* Manage supplier change notifications.
* Manage deviations in relation to materials and services.
* Manage quality agreements.
* Research and evaluate QA policies, deploying strategies for improved effectiveness.
* Analyze ongoing QA processes and identify areas for improvement.
* Establish relationships with internal and external stakeholders, advising and guiding on QA matters.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's/master's degree within a relevant field.
* Documented experience working with GMP within medical devices (ISO 13485) and/or pharmaceuticals is required.
* Professional level in Swedish and English
* Experience from quality or regulatory in a regulated environment is an advantage.
* Experience with supplier management is an advantage.
* Experience from laboratory work is an advantage.

To succeed in this role, you are a collaborative and independent individual with experience, responsibility, and a proactive approach. We value curiosity, adaptability, and a commitment to internal collaboration. Embrace change, drive development, and think innovatively. Join us in shaping our dynamic future!

The role will include occasional travelling to suppliers.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 31st of January 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager and the extended team.

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Process Engineer

Processtekniker, tillverkningsindustri
Läs mer Jan 3
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact

Job Title: Process Engineer
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description
Exciting opportunities await as Galderma seeks a talented Process Engineer to join our innovative team. As a Process Engineer, you will be instrumental in implementing and overseeing engineering plans and programs, contributing to the enhancement of processes across multiple operational areas within Galderma.

Key Responsibilities

* Implement and manage engineering plans and programs to support organizational activities.
* Track and ensure alignment of engineering activities with product/process modifications and improvements.
* Execute engineering processes and policies for the development of new products/processes.
* Analyze technology trends and contribute to successful deployment of engineering plans, meeting quality, cost, safety, and performance standards.
* Collaborate on engineering activities to assess feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and customer demand for both new and existing products.
* Participate in field-testing of products, processes, and systems.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's degree in engineering or related field.
* Some years of experience in engineering operations.
* Demonstrated ability to work independently with moderate supervision.
* Strong analytical skills with the ability to solve complex problems through prior experiences.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as the selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is an interview with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Production Engineer

Produktionsingenjör, maskin
Läs mer Jan 3
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact

Job Title: Production Engineer
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description

Join Galderma's dynamic team as a Production Engineer, where you'll play a crucial role in implementing and managing engineering plans and programs across various operational areas. Leverage your expertise to drive impactful changes, improve processes, and contribute to the success of Galderma's engineering operations.

Key Responsibilities


Implement and manage engineering plans and programs to support organizational activities.

Track and ensure alignment of engineering activities with product/process modifications and improvements.

Execute engineering processes and policies for the development of new products/processes.

Analyze technology trends and contribute to successful deployment of engineering plans, meeting quality, cost, safety, and performance standards.

Collaborate on engineering activities to assess feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and customer demand for both new and existing products.

Participate in field-testing of products, processes, and systems.

Skills & Qualifications


Bachelor's degree in engineering or related field.

Some years of experience in engineering operations.

Demonstrated ability to work independently with moderate supervision.

Strong analytical skills with the ability to solve complex problems through prior experiences.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as the selection process is ongoing.


If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.

The next step is an interview with the hiring manager

The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference
At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Senior Analytical Chemist

Analytisk kemist
Läs mer Dec 18
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Senior Analytical Chemist
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Job Description
Har du erfarenhet av proteinkaraktärisering, proteinanalys och läkemedelsutveckling, och är kunnig inom proteinkemi? Vi söker just nu en Senior Analytisk Kemist till gruppen Bioprocess Analytical Development på Galderma. Du får här möjlighet att arbeta i en härlig engagerad grupp, och vara en viktig del av spännande utvecklingsprojekt för att ta fram proteinbaserade läkemedel.

Avdelningen Drug Development ansvarar för utveckling av nya läkemedelsprodukter, och gruppen Bioprocess Analytical Development ansvarar för att utveckla nya analysmetoder, och analysera och karaktärisera proteinbaserade läkemedel.


* Initiera, planera, koordinera och driva karaktäriseringsaktiviteter, utvecklingsaktiviteter och metodvalideringar tillsammans med analytiska kemister i gruppen
* Koordinera analysaktiviteter hos externa leverantörer
* Agera som Analytisk Expert mot hela organisationen
* Utföra och rapportera utvecklingsförsök
* Leda metodvalideringar
* Utföra proteinanalyser, både enligt GMP och i utvecklingssyfte
* Skriva och uppdatera instruktioner rapporter och dokument
* Delta vid upprättande av regulatorisk dokumentation till myndighet
* Ansvara för instrument och delta vid instrumentinköp och instrumentkvalificeringar


* Doktorsexamen med dokumenterad utbildning inom relevant område
* Flera års praktisk erfarenhet inom likande arbete. Det är meriterande om du har erfarenhet från farmaceutiska/life science-industrin.
* Erfarenhet inom metodutveckling och metodvalidering
* Erfarenhet inom proteinkemi och proteinkaraktäriseringserfarenhet
* Svenska och engelska på professionell nivå.

Som person är du ambitiös, noggrann, innovativ och drivande, och du levererar mot uppsatta mål och tidslinjer. Då arbetet innebär många kontakter, både internt och externt, krävs en god kommunikativ förmåga, såväl på svenska som på engelska, och en god samarbetsförmåga. Du behöver också kunna planera, prioritera, och arbeta på ett strukturerat och effektivt sätt då vi i projektet behöver hantera flera arbetsuppgifter samtidigt.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 14 januari 2024. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en virtuell intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Global ESO Sterile Head of Quality

Kvalitetsingenjör, kemiteknik/Kvalitetstekniker, kemiteknik
Läs mer Dec 13
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.
Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Global ESO Sterile Head of Quality
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description
We are currently seeking a dynamic and experienced professional to fill the key role of Global Head of Quality - External Supplier Organization (ESO) for Sterile Products. In this role, you will play a crucial role in shaping and implementing quality management plans and programs to ensure continuous improvement and compliance across systems, processes, and workflows. Your expertise will directly impact the operational efficiency of our ESO/API suppliers, contributing to the satisfaction of both internal and external customers.

Key Responsibilities


Oversee quality management for structural ESO/API suppliers in development and commercial sectors.

Participate in supplier selection, review supply agreements, and manage quality agreements.

Manage quality events to minimize impacts on Galderma, covering supply, recalls, and complaints.

Promote best practices at structural ESO/API suppliers.

Perform Qualified Person activities for Nemo product, ensuring GMP oversight.

Approve Confirmation of Import for EU-bound products, ensuring compliance with GMP requirements.

Ensure active GMP oversight of ESOs supplying marketed drugs and clinical supplies.

Lead a team of 5-10 reports across countries, managing relationships with ESO/API suppliers and coordinating activities with various stakeholders

Skills & Qualifications


Pharmacist or bachelor's degree in biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Engineering, Microbiology or another relevant scientific or engineering discipline.

English, written and spoken professional level required.

Several years of relevant experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Several years of QP experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

Several years of experience in sterile biological drugs, terminally sterilized and/or aseptically filled.

Join us in this dynamic role where resilience, strong management, and team-building skills thrive. Your pivotal role as a Qualified Person (QP) will contributing significantly to Galderma's growth. Apply now for a transformative journey!

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As a new Manager at Galderma, you will participate to our Leadership programs and reflect on how you lead yourself and others. You will also join a local network of managers to discuss, exchange perspectives and get support from peers.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible though no later than the 14th of January 2024. The selection process is ongoing and the role may be filled prior the last application date.


If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.

The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager.

The second step is an interview with the extended team.

The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team.

Our people make a difference
At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Manager Maintenance

Gruppchef, teknik
Läs mer Nov 16
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Manager Maintenance
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Job Description
Vi söker för närvarande en mycket skicklig och erfaren Underhållschef till Galderma i Uppsala!

Som underhållschef kommer du att leda ett team med 10 medarbetare. Du kommer en avgörande roll i att ge input och ledarskap för implementeringen av reparations- och underhållsplaner. Du kommer att ansvara för att leda arbetet för att säkerställa effektiv drift och underhåll av våra anläggningar, system, byggnader och utrustningar. Detta är en ledande position inom vår organisation och du kommer att ansvara för policy- och strategiimplementering, vilket direkt påverkar den operativa effektiviteten.


* Förbereda, utveckla och formulera alla processer relaterade till arbetsprogram och policyer
* Undersöka och utvärdera aktiviteter för installation, reparation och underhåll i en tillverknings- eller fältmiljö, samt övervaka implementering och prestation för att förbättra effektivitet.
* Förstå och analysera pågående reparations- och underhållsprocesser, identifiera områden för förbättringar och implementera program och policyer som bättre passar behoven.
* Koordinera viktiga reparations- och underhållsaktiviteter
* Etablera och upprätthålla positiva relationer med relevanta personer inom och utanför organisationen.


* Flera års erfarenhet inom underhållsarbete från Life Science-industrin.
* Ledarskapserfarenhet
* Erfarenhet från underhåll inom GMP reglerad verksamhet
* Flytande i svenska och engelska
* Certifierad underhållsledare (meriterande)
* Gått utbildning "att leda inom underhåll" (meriterande)
* Automations- och kalibreringserfarenhet (meriterande)

Som person har du mycket god kommunikativ förmåga och trivs med att samarbeta med olika avdelningar och personer. Du drivs av utmaningar och är trygg som ledare och vill leda inom förändring.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

Som ny chef på Galderma kommer du att delta i våra ledarskapsprogram och reflektera över hur du leder dig själv och andra. Du kommer också att gå med i ett lokalt nätverk av chefer för att diskutera, utbyta perspektiv och få stöd från kollegor.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 10 december 2023. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en virtuell intervju med anställande chef
* Nästa steg är en panelintervju med teamet
* Sista steget är en facklig intervju

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

HSE Specialist

Läs mer Nov 23
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

HSE Specialist
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (hybrid)

Job Description
Galderma Uppsala söker en mycket motiverad och erfaren HSE-specialist!

Som HSE-specialist kommer du att ha en avgörande roll för att implementera och underhålla planer och program för hälsa, säkerhet och miljö. Du kommer arbeta nära verksamheten för att säkerställa efterlevnad av alla relevanta regulatoriska krav, standardkrav för säkerhet, hälsa och miljö (SHE).


* Säkerställa efterlevnad av lagstiftning, företagets etiska kod och relevanta policyer.
* Anpassa förbättringsaktiviteter med ISO 14001, ISO 45001 och regulatoriska standarder.
* Utmana proaktivt osäkra handlingar för att förhindra olyckor.
* Tillhandahålla expertis inom säkerhet och hälsa, samt genomföra riskbedömningar och analyser.
* Utveckla och leverera utbildningsprogram inom säkerhet och hälsa.
* Genomför SHE-inspektioner, revisioner och underhålla processer, procedurer och instruktioner.
* Rapportera SHE-data, undersöka incidenter och övervaka regulatoriska krav inom området.


* Högskole- eller universitetsexamen inom relevant område, alternativ motsvarande erfarenhet och kunskap.
* Erfarenhet av en praktisk roll som hanterar miljö- och/eller arbetsmiljöfrågor, gärna i en industriell miljö.
* Flytande svenska och engelska.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 14 december 2023. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en intervju med anställande chef
* Nästa steg är en panelintervju med teamet
* Sista steget är en säkerhetsklassning

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu

Principal Scientist

Forskare, farmakologi
Läs mer Nov 10
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Principal Scientist
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description
We are seeking a highly experienced and accomplished Principal Scientist with expertise in Drug Substance (DS) Fermentation & Purification to join our growing team. This role is pivotal in enhancing our Biologics technical competence, with a specific focus on optimizing DS processes for biologics manufacturing including Microbial Fermentation and Harvest, Protein Purification and Aseptic Formulation, Filling and Container Closure including last mile to user.

Key Responsibilities

* Leading efforts in Fermentation Optimization, including strain selection, media formulation, and scale-up.
* Develop and implement purification strategies for the efficient recovery of biologics, leveraging chromatography, filtration, and other separation techniques.
* Enhancing Biologics technical competence by staying up to date with the latest DS fermentation and purification technologies.
* Initiating, executing, and managing validations for new and established methodologies.
* Identifying opportunities for process improvement, cost reduction, and efficiency gains.
* Collaborating with various manufacturing departments for seamless integration of DS processes.
* Maintaining detailed records in alignment with regulatory standards and proactively addressing process issues.
* Proactively identify and address process issues and deviations, implementing corrective actions to maintain product quality and production efficiency.
* Providing technical training and mentorship to foster a culture of continuous learning.

Skills & Qualifications

* Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry, Microbiology, or a related field with a strong research background and exposure to biological manufacturing
* A minimum of 10 years of relevant experience in DS fermentation and purification within a biologics manufacturing environment.
* Experience with technology transfer and scale-up of DS processes in a plant setting.
* Established ownership of manufacturing processes including upstream, downstream, and materials management
* Proven expertise in designing, optimizing, and troubleshooting fermentation and purification processes.
* Demonstrated success in enhancing technical competence and driving process improvements.
* Strong analytical skills, problem-solving abilities, and project management experience.
* Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
* Ability to work both independently and as part of a cross-functional team.

Preferred Qualifications:

* Familiar with regulatory requirements for biologics manufacturing.
* Active participation in relevant scientific communities and/or publications in related fields.
* Attention to detail and comfortable with critical thinking and decision making.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible, the selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

Ansök nu


Läs mer Nov 10
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Job Title: Scientist
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (onsite)

Job Description
We are looking for a highly motivated and detail-oriented Investigation Scientist to join our growing team. In this role, you will play a crucial part in supporting ongoing investigations of the manufacturing process, ensuring quality and operational excellence in our newly established Microbial Fermentation, Protein Purification and Aseptic Manufacturing operations.

This role will work in collaboration and under the supervision of the principal scientist including building up a Manufacturing Sciences & Technology (MS&T) laboratory troubleshooting environment for our biological processes.

Key Responsibilities

* Lead and participate in investigations, conducting experiments and analyses to uncover the root causes of deviations and irregularities within the manufacturing process.
* Dive deep into the details of our processes, focusing on continuous improvement and enhancing operational efficiency.
* Gather and analyze data from various sources to support investigations, ensuring thorough documentation and compliance with regulatory standards.
* Maintain comprehensive records of investigations, findings, and recommendations, contributing to our commitment to excellence.
* Coordinate with other experts and collaborate with cross-functional teams, including quality assurance, regulatory affairs, and process development, to ensure thorough investigation and timely issue resolution. Assist senior scientists in information gathering to support research studies and claims.
* Prepare detailed investigation reports, conveying findings and recommendations to management and relevant stakeholders.
* Identify opportunities for enhancement, cost reduction, and efficiency gains, actively driving positive changes.

Skills & Qualifications

* Bachelor's or master's degree in a relevant scientific or engineering field, such as Chemistry, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related discipline.
* Recent graduate or 1 to 3 years of experience in laboratory-based investigations, preferably in a pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, or manufacturing environment.
* Strong knowledge of investigative methodologies and root cause analysis techniques.
* Proficiency in data collection, analysis, and reporting.
* Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
* Strong communication and collaboration abilities.
* Knowledge of regulatory requirements related to investigations and cGMP.

Preferred Qualifications:

* Familiarity with manufacturing processes in the pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical industry.
* Previous experience with laboratory instrumentation and analytical techniques.
* Training in Lean or Six Sigma methodologies.
* Professional certifications in relevant fields.

What we offer in return
You will be working for an organisation that embraces diversity & inclusion and believe we will deliver better outcomes by reflecting the perspectives of our diverse customer base.

As Galderma's Global Center of Excellence for Aesthetics we have in Uppsala a unique edge as we have on our site the whole product chain from research and development to production and marketing. Here our nearly 450 employees work on our world leading brands such as Restylane, Azzalure and Sculptra.

We are offering you the opportunity to work in an exciting, international environment where both professional and personal development is encouraged. We are based in modern offices and located just by the river (Fyrisån) in Uppsala only a 10 minute bike ride from Uppsala Central Station.

Next steps
We welcome your application via our company website CAREERS | Galderma. Apply as soon as possible, the selection process is ongoing.

* If your profile is a match, we will invite you for a first virtual conversation with the recruiter.
* The next step is a virtual conversation with the hiring manager
* The final step is a panel conversation with the extended team

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

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Laboratory Engineer QC Chemistry

Läs mer Nov 7
At Galderma we're unique and we embrace difference.

Whether it's the unique breadth of our integrated offering that covers Aesthetics, Consumer, and Prescription products; or our commitment to recognising and rewarding people for the contribution they make - working here isn't like anywhere else.

At Galderma, we actively give our teams reasons to believe in our ambition to become the leading dermatology company in the world. With us, you have the ultimate opportunity to gain new and challenging work experiences and create an unparalleled, direct impact.

Experienced Laboratory Engineer QC Chemistry
Location: Uppsala, Sweden (on-site)

Job Description
Galderma växer och står inför en spännande resa och nu söker vi en erfaren Laboratorieingenjör till QC Kemi! Har du ett intresse för att arbeta i labb och att driva förändringar? Då är detta rollen för dig!

I tjänsten som Laboratorieingenjör QC Kemi kommer du att arbeta i laboratoriemiljö, utföra kemiska analyser och tillsammans med dina kollegor ta hand om labbet samt utrustning och metoder. Som laboratorieingenjör inom QC kommer du också att driva spännande förbättringar och samarbeta med andra avdelningar inom företaget. Beroende på tidigare erfarenheter kan även handledning av kollegor som teknisk expert inom kromatografiska analysmetoder ingå i arbetsuppgifterna.


* Utföra och dokumentera kemiska analyser
* Granska analytiska resultat
* Ansvara för instrument och analysmetoder
* Skapa och uppdatera interna instruktioner och dokument


* Naturvetenskaplig högskoleutbildning
* Flera års erfarenheter inom laborativ verksamhet
* Mycket goda kunskaper inom kemi, och gedigen erfarenhet och kunskaper inom kromotografi, både GC och LC, är meriterande
* Flytande svenska och engelska
* Erfarenhet av förbättringsarbete

En framgångsrik kandidat behöver ha mod att utmana kända processer och ta initiativ till förbättringar som bidrar till en mer effektiv kvalitetskontroll. Det är också viktigt att agera självständigt i beslutsfattande och informationsinhämtning, ha fokus på kunden och leverera mot uppsatta mål, samt ha ett noggrant och kvalitetsmedvetet arbetssätt med förmågan att planera och prioritera effektivt.

Vi erbjuder
Du kommer att arbeta för en organisation som innefattar mångfald och inkludering och vi tror att vi kommer att leverera bättre resultat genom att spegla perspektiven hos vår mångfaldiga kundbas.

I Uppsala ligger Galdermas globala center för affärsområdet estetik med verksamhet inom produktutveckling, tillverkning och marknadsföring. Här arbetar cirka 500 personer med världsledande produkter som Restylane, Azzalure och Sculptra.

På Galderma i Uppsala har vi verksamhet inom produktutveckling och tillverkning inom dermatologi och vi erbjuder dig möjligheten att arbeta i en spännande, internationell miljö där både personlig och professionell utveckling uppmuntras. Vi är belägna längs med Fyrisån i Uppsala, 10 minuters cykelfärd från Uppsala Resecentrum.

Nästa steg
Har vi fångat ditt intresse? Vi välkomnar din ansökan via länken "Apply Now / Ansök nu" redan i dag, dock senast 21 november 2023. Urval och intervjuer görs löpande under ansökningstiden, och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdatum.

* Om din profil är en matchning kommer vi bjuda in dig till ett första samtal med rekryteraren.
* Nästa steg är en virtuell intervju med anställande chef
* Sista steget är en panelintervju med teamet

Our people make a difference

At Galderma, you'll work with people who are like you. And people that are different. We value what every member of our team brings. Professionalism, collaboration, and a friendly, supportive ethos is the perfect environment for people to thrive and excel in what they do.

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